Chapter 30

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Sam's pov_____________________

I started driving as the car ride was quiet between us. 

"The nerve of that girl, right?" I look into the rear mirror and saw Billy in the backseat. 

I sign. "Really not in the mood right now" 

"Uh, Sam. Who are you talking to?" I heard Ali asked but I ignored her. 

"Sam, Sam, Sam. There is a killer on the loose. He's threatening you. He's threating your sister. He's threatening your best friend. Are you going to run away from who you are like you always do, or are you gonna use it?"

"I'm not like you" I said.

"Sam?" I hear Ali say but I ignored her again.

"Really? Then how else are you gonna survive? I say accept who you are, let's get out there, find out who's doing this, and cut some fucking throats!" 

"No!" I scream. 

"SAM!" Ali screamed, I heard honking, I slammed on the breaks, panting.

Allison's pov___________________

"Sam, what the fuck was that?" I asked her. 

"Ok. I see vision of my dead dad, and my meds aren't working anymore" 

My eyes widen. 

"You're talking to Billy fucking Loomis? What does he say?"

"He says I should find the killer and kill him before he kills Tara or you" 

"Me?" I asked confused.

"I still care about you, I still consider you my best friend, even if we aren't on the best terms right now" 

I didn't know what to say so I just stayed quiet. 

Judy's pov_________________

"Mm. And extra edamame. Please" I said ordering sushi. "Thank you. I'll be there in ten mintues. Bye" I hung up the phone as I put a note on the fridge for Wes.

That's when I hear the door creak. 

"Is that you tiger?" I asked but no response. So I grabbed a knife and walked toward my back door. 

I take a peak outside and saw no one. I then close the door, locking it, before I turned around  and jump when Wes was standing right behind me.

I gasp. "Jeus" Wes said removing his earbugs. 

I smile at him, then notice what he was staring at, the knife in my hand. I clear my throat bringing the knife down to my side.

"Are you being safe out there, honey?" I asked.

Wes scoffs. "To the point where all my friends mock me, yes" Wes pulls out his tazer and pepper spray.

"Good boy" as we walked over to the front door" 

"What's for dinner?" Wes asked as he puts the tazer and pepper spray on the side table. I picked up my bag.

"Sushi. I was just leaving to pick it up"

"Oh. Why not just Postmates it?"

"Oh, it gets all smooshy by the time it's here. And I know you hate that"

Wes chuckles. 

"Go take a shower. I'll be back soon"


"Can you put this away from me?" I asked rasing the knife. 

"Yes" Wes takes the knife as I kiss him on the cheek. 

"Love you" I said opening the front door. 

"Love you" 

"Locks the door"

"I will"

I then close the door behind me as I walk to my car and get in and drive off. 

About eight minutes into the drive my phone rings. 

"Sheriff Hicks" I answered the phone. 

"Hello, Sheriff Judy"

"Who is this?"

"I think you know. I'm a fan of scary movies. And knives. What's your favorite scary movie?"

"I perfer animated films and musicals. Why are you doing this?"

"I'll tell you all about it. I'm calling to turn myself in" I message Deputy Farney.

"I think that's a great idea" 

Judy: "Killer on line, need trace" I hit send.

"We'll sit down at the station and I'll tell you about the two people I've killed"


"You've only killed one person" 

Ghostface laughts. "By the time I see you, I'll have gutted your baby boy" 

My eyes widen with tears.

"No" I said as I put on the sirens in my car and turn the car around and push on the gas peddle. 

I call Wes. "Pick up. Pick up, Wes!" 

But no answer. 

I grab my radio. "This is Sheriff Hicks. I need units to converge on my house ASAP" 

"Copy that. We're on it" 

My phone rings, and I answer. 

"Can't get him on the phone, can you? He must be busy"

"How do I know you're anywhere near him?"

"Ever seen the movie Psycho?" My eyes widen cause I told him to take a shower before I left. 

"Please... don't hurt my boy" I begged.

"Why not?"

I cried. "He's a good kid" 

"Ah, is he, now?"

"He never hurt anyone"

"That's not enough"

"Please! I'll do anything!"

Ghostface laughs again. "You're not gonna make it in time, Sheriff Judy"

I step on the gas more. 

By the time I got home, I put the car in park and rushed out of the car. "Wes! I'm coming!" I ran to the house, but as I got to the porch Ghostface appeard and stabbed me in the stomach. 

I groan as I felt blood in my mouth. I fell down backward as I trid to scoot back.

"Help! Help!" I scream as Ghostface grabbed my leg pulling me closer to him. He raised the knife about to bring it down when I caugh his arm.

"Help!" I scream.

Ghostface used his other hand to push the knife down. I was stabbed in the stomach. Chocking on my own blood as I got stabbed more times until everything went dark.

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