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Katie's pov

We are at the airport waiting for our flight,
I'm so nervous I've never been on a plane for a long period of time, I tap my leg nervously
"Are you ok" luke asks
"I'm just nervous" I reply
"You don't like flying" luke asks
"I like it I just don't like the waiting" I reply
"We should be allowed on soon" he replies
Mikey grabs my hand to stop it shaking,
Our flight number has been called so we board the plane, this is the first time I've been in first class,
I take my seat next to mikey he let's me have the window seat, luke and cal sit behind us while ash sit in front,
I grab mikeys hand as we take off
"You ok" he asks
"Yeah" I say squeezing his hand
And letting his hand go
"Do you want to sleep or talk" he asks
"Talk for now" I reply
"So about that stuff you told me yesterday, I just want to let you know I would never hurt you" he mumble
"I know you wouldn't" I reply
"Katie will you be my girlfriend" he asks
"Yes mikey I'd love to" I reply
"Great" he says
I lean in and kiss him he doesn't hesitate to kiss back,
I break away
"I've been wanting to do that since last night" I say
"Your so cute" he says pinching my cheeks
I slap his hands away
"Hey that hurts" I say hiding my face
"Sorry babe" he says grabbing my hands
"I like it" I reply
"What" he asks
"When you call me babe,it makes me melt " I reply
"Babe" he sighs
I just giggle,
" Do you think your fans will care if we are dating" I ask
"They'll be ok" he replies
"We can keep it just between us if you want for now" I reply
"No, I want the whole world to know that I have a beautiful girlfriend" he replies kissing my cheek
"I have a beautiful boyfriend" I say yawning
"Have a nap gorgeous" he say holding my hand
I lay my head on his shoulder and drift off to sleep,

I wake to giggling, I see ash, luke and cal staring at me and mikey, mikey is asleep his head leaning on mine, he's still holding my hand,

"Are you taking pictures" I ask
"Maybe but they are so cute" ash says "send then to me" I giggle
"Are you two official or not" luke asks me
"If you mean am I his girlfriend then yes luke were official" I reply
"Yes" the guys cheer
Making mikey stir,
"Hey mister" I say as he opens his eyes
"Hi" he mumbles
"Your friends are taking pictures of us" I whisper
he grins
"Ashton irwin, stop taking photos of my girlfriend" mikey jokes
"I was taking pictures of you mikey" ash jokes
"Send them to me" mikey replies
"You two are so cute" ash says
"Oh what can their couple name be" cal asks
"Mitie" luke speaks up
"Mitie I like it" ash yells
"I guess we're mitie now" mikey says
"I guess so" I reply
"I can't wait to take you on a proper date" mikey whispers
"Maybe I'll give you everything" I reply
"Everything" he questioned
"I'm a virgin mikey" I whisper
"It's ok so am I" he whispers back
We both giggle
"Maybe we can change that one day" I tease
"Whenever your ready babe" he says kissing my hand
A voice comes over the speaker, we are about to land,
"Okay hold my hand" I say nervously
Mikey just giggled and grabbed my hand again,
We deviated the plane,
"Shit how did they know we were flying in today"cal says
"Ok babe stay close to me, we're pushing threw" mikey says
We start pushing threw and I loose grip of mikeys hand,he doesn't notice I tried singing out but the fans were too loud, someone grabs me, I look and it's calum
"I got you let's go" he says tugging me into his side and pushing through the fans,
We finally make it to the car,
"Babe I lost you" mikey says tugging me next to him
"Cal saved me from getting squashed" I reply
"Thanks cal" mikey mumbles
"Anything to save a beautiful girl" cal replies
I can't help but blush, mikey squeezes my hand
"How long am I here for" I ask
"Until christmas" they reply at once
"That long" I was shocked
"Is that a problem" mikey asks
"Not if it means I get to spend time with you and the guys I'm good" I reply
"Not if your too busy writing" luke jokes
"How do you know I write" I ask
"Your mum and dad sent us a video of you singing a original" luke replies
"They what" I snap I hide my head in my hands
"Hey don't hide it was fantastic" mikey says moving my hands
"So why am I here" I ask
"To write done songs and maybe record" luke answers
"The only time I sing is in the shower or when I'm in the house alone" I reply
"Well we guess, mikey will have to join you in the shower" cal jokes
"Guys settle down we only just got together" mikey says squeezing my hand
"Okay okay" cal says throwing his hand up in surrender
"So we're am I staying" I ask
"With us of course" mikey replies
"Great four guys running around naked " I say sarcastically
"Yeah we like to be naked" cal replies
"What am I going to do" I joke
"Hey no peeving on my friends" mikey jokes
"The whole world has already seen you all naked anyway"i tease
"That's true" luke mumbles

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