𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐈

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Growing up in foster care, she always held a strong desire for family, for siblings more precisely. Ones who would love her unconditionally, Siblings who would protect her from the monsters in the foster system.

She wished she had sisters to cry to when her heart got broken by boys and sometimes girls. She wished she could ask her sisters for advice and help with outfits. She wished she had brothers who would protect her from the mean kids in school, especially in high school where the kids were brutal. She wished they would comfort her when she needed it. She wished she had sisters who would tease her about having a crush, and her brothers would become protective, interrogating her about her crushes.

She wished for siblings after her parents became drug addicts, always nodding off more times than not. Wished for siblings to explain to her her parents were sick and needed help. Explain to her that drugs ate away at her once loving, responsible parents, and left in place a mean, angry shell of who they used to be.

Explain to her that Mommy and Daddy wouldn't be waking up.

She wished she had the comfort of someone who knew what she went through, the comforts of someone who went through something similar. The comforts of family. Comforts of siblings.

When she started watching The Vampire Diaries she had a love-hate relationship with the show. She dropped it until she overheard someone in the foster home ranting and raving about the "Mikaelson Family", and she picked it up again. After watching she fell in love with the thought of having big sisters and brothers, a big family. She hated how they treated each other, the betrayals woven into the family, but she loved how no matter what they would always come back together and help one another.

There were points when she was angry at the Mikaelsons, times like when Finn died, learning he was put in a box for nine hundred years, and how they spoke about him. Times like when Kol died, how on both occasions they hardly mourned their siblings. How they were more worried about a cure than their own family.

She hated it, and thought that if she were there she would smack them, telling them this wasn't right. How she wished she was there so she could change it, but alas she was not in that universe. When she was dying, she prayed to anyone who would listen, anyone who would grant her wish of a big family.

"Please, Anyone, I wasn't happy in this life. If I have a next, please grant me, siblings. Please..." and as her voice faded, so did her life.

"As you wish, child."

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