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Being dead wasn't fun. It was cramped, there would sometimes be pressure out of nowhere, there was a soul who would randomly kick her, and was oddly warm in the eternal darkness.

For a while, she thought she was in hell, like where her "Monster" homes would tell her she would be going. The idea of hell was thrown out when she realized no eternal hell flames were burning her for her sins. Cue the hard eye-roll from her. Marking hell off of her mental list of places she would be, she thought maybe purgatory. After realizing there was no one to help her cleanse her soul she decided she wasn't in purgatory either.

Soon after floating around in the darkness, getting abused by one of the souls, she realized she was in nothingness. Not going anywhere. Just floating around. She didn't eat but never got hungry. She could still do bodily functions, like sleep and use the bathroom, but that was it. And honestly, she was tired of it.

A jab to her leg jolted her, moving her in the confined space. She was especially tired of being hit by someone she couldn't even see. She decided enough and kicked her leg out. She had come to realize early on when moving, it felt like walking through knee-level water. Moving around felt like fighting in a dream.

The soul hit back, harder this time, twice. She moved her arms around trying to get closer to hit back, and she would have, had she not felt the area around her close up, squishing her to the other soul. She stilled, not knowing what was happening while the other person she was squished against moved, getting further away from her.

'What the fuck is happening?' She thought feeling the walls around her contract again. The person moved again, going below her. The squeezing continued till the other person was gone. She didn't move for a while, waiting to see if it would start again, and when it did, she didn't like it.

Whatever was happening hurt, not like scraping your knee, but like a hippo was laying on your whole body. It would squeeze, feeling like a laid hippo, the release leaving a throbbing feeling. This happened for a while before ginormous hands grabbed onto her back and her chest, moving her sideways. One more squeeze and she was only left with a throb all over her body.

She didn't make a sound because whatever just happened she had felt worse before. The hands that held her moved around her while she tried to breathe.

Warm hands rubbed over her face and pinched her nose and pulled down, getting stuff out of her nose. She opened her mouth to say Ouch, but only a soft whine left. The motion helped her be able to breathe through her nose better.

"What isn't the babe crying? Is it dead?" A loud, mean voice boomed, startling her. With everything that was happening, she was becoming overwhelmed and started to cry. A loud wail left her mouth, shocking her. She sounded like a baby, why?

"You scared the babe with your loud voice." The hands holding her spoke, gently wiping her off.

"So it is alive." The mean voice simply stated. The gentle wiping continued over her face until her eyes didn't feel stuck anymore.

"Ah, there you are." A brown-skinned woman looked down at her, a soft smile on her lips.

'Wow, she's pretty.' She thought eyes going around her face.

"Give it to me, Ayana." The loud voice spoke again, a hateful tone coating his words. She wanted to cry, she liked looking at this lady.

"She, Mikael. 'It' is a she." Ayana told, handing her over to Mikael, the loud man.

'Wait a second... These names sound familiar."

"A girl?" Another voice questioned, voice sounding drained.

'Is... Is that Sebastian Roaché?' She thought looking at the face above hers. She couldn't believe her eyes.

'Sebastian Roaché is getting called Mikael... No way."

"Give me my daughter." The drained voice from before spoke. She felt her body get moved from one pair of arms to another. Alice Evans looked down at her, hair wild and covered in sweat.

'No fucking way... Esther Mikaelson is looking down at me." Shock filled her whole body, eyes looking around. She heard a muffled ravens call from outside of the dark candle-lit room.

"Her name will be Raven. Raven Mikaelson and her brother will be Henrik Mikaelson."

'Holy shit. I'm in the vampire diaries universe."


This one is kinda short and shit. It'll get better when she's older but that's not happening right now lol.

I didn't know how to start this so I started it off with Esther giving birth. lol, I heard it hurts the babies and that's why they cry when they come out so yeah.

lol anyway

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