《 chapter one : kim yugyeom 》

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"Nice!" I high-fived him. "How'd you do it?"
He put the paper back inside its folder and smiled at me, "A lot of connections."

Meet my best friend sent from the heavens. Kunpimook Bhuwakul, a Thai boy half a year older than me. He transferred to Seoul after graduating high school in Thailand. Since his real name is a bit of a mouthful, I use his nickname, BamBam, instead.

Our project was to interview a person who does music and ask them about their experiences. It could be anyone who sings, plays an instruments or anyone else of the sort. Lucky BamBam, he interviewed a real singer, solo artist IU.

"Was she pretty?"
"Drop dead gorgeous, I tell you." he nodded. "But who did you interview for yours?"
"Youngjae hyung," I admitted. "He was the easiest person who I could interview,"

I know interviewing hyung was nothing compared to interviewing IU. IU was a star, Youngjae hyung was... Youngjae hyung. He patted my shoulder and started dragging me to our teacher's office.

"Come on, let's pass these already,"

I nodded and followed him, fishing my assignment out of my backpack as we walked. I managed to pull it out from the bottom of my bag, though I had no idea how it got there, and straightened the slightly crumpled parts.

"What happened to yours?"
"I don't know."

He laughed and smiled at me. This friend really likes to smile a lot, I noticed that. He's extremely cheerful and liked to talk a lot, while I'm the quieter one.

He did the honors of knocking on the office door and passing our assignments to our teacher. He was always the one who did that between the both of us. Sometimes, I would knock for him but I'd never go inside the office itself.

Then we went back to our classroom. He took his seat at the front and immediately started a conversation with his seatmate, leaving me to sit alone at my place at the back.

The rest of the day passed by like normal, time going a little slower than usual.

"Hey, it's Friday. Want to go clubbing?"

Right, I forgot to mention. He likes to go out whenever it's a weekend and or whenever we don't have any homework to do. Just to let you know...

"Oh come on! It's been ages since we last went to a club,"
"For your information, it's only been a month,"
"Exactly! Ages!"

Did I say that he also loves to exaggerate things?

I raised my eyebrows, looking at him. He had this pleading look on his face that girls could never say no to, but since I'm not a girl, I can say no to it.


He let out a sigh.

"You're going to regret this, Gyeom,"
"Doubt it," I rolled my eyes.

I was never someone who liked clubs and drinking alcohol. I loved dancing, and that's what I usually did when he managed to convince me to come with him, but I never drank. It was always BamBam who got drunk.

I was always the one who had to take care of him when he did.

"Just come with me!"

Afterwards, I ended up giving in to him.

Ugh, I hate you, BamBam.


"Excuse me," I mumbled, pulling my drunken best friend away from the bar. "Sorry. He drank too much," I said quietly to the girl he'd been talking to.

Sometimes, it just isn't obvious that he's the older one.

I dragged him to one of the couches by the corner and sat him down. He immediately collapsed on his side, fast asleep. I muttered a curse under my breath and pulled out my phone.

I had no car, nor license. He didn't bring his car either, as we had come by walking the short distance from his house to here, so here I am, dialing Jaebum hyung's number so that he could come get us. It wasn't like I could walk him to his house when he's like this.

Jaebum hyung wasn't answering his phone, so I tried Jinyoung hyung. He answered the call, but he said he was busy, so I tried calling Jackson hyung and Mark hyung. They didn't answer so I dialed our last hope.

Youngjae hyung had a license, it's just that he doesn't drive much. He always catches a ride with Jaebum hyung because he doesn't want to bother with traffic, but he has his own license and car.

I just hope he's not asleep.

"... Hello?"

Well... I guess I woke him up...

"Hey, hyung, BamBam's drunk,"
"Yeah. Can you-"
"Fine, fine. I'm going over there." he sighed.

Why is it that when I tell him BamBam's drunk, he wakes up so fast? When I tell him I'm late for school and I need a ride, he doesn't even bother to answer me. It's not fair!

Half an hour later, he came running into the club.


I shouted his name and he spotted us. I waved at him and he quickly made his way over to us. He took one look at BamBam and frowned at me, as if it was my fault he got drunk.

"You woke me up,"
"I don't want a lecture right now, hyung. Help me."

He let out a sigh and leaned down to have him sit up, hanging BamBam's left arm over his shoulder as I did the same with his right. Together, we heaved him up.

It took a long time, but we eventually got him in his car. He slumped down in the backseat and I took the seat beside Youngjae hyung. He was cursing as he started the engine.

"You woke me up and now you trouble me with this drunk idiot," he jerked his head in BamBam's direction, who muttered a few words in his sleep at that exact moment.
"I'll make it up to you, hyung,"
"You better," he cursed me again before starting to drive.


Chapter one is up!! ^^ (As you can see, I state at the chapter title on whose POV it is. The next chapter or the third one might be in Yerin's POV) How is it?? Any comments??

[I have this dance performance tomorrow and I'm hella nervous TT.TT 4 performances when the normal for our class is only 2.... Right now I'm telling myself 'I will do well' but I'm still nervous >.< wish me luck!!~]

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