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important a/n at the end :-))))) 

penny spent the whole night either excited or nervous, her feelings were all over the place. she barely slept and looked a mess once the sun came up but a bit of makeup would fix all of that.

"im not sure about this"

luke h:
"penny, it's fine im not going to hurt you. there will be other people there"

"what do you mean?" [i sang this also.]

penny checked the time, 1:25pm. she knew she had to set off soon or she wouldn't make it.

luke h:
"just wait and see penny, goodbye"

read 1:27pm

penny didn't bother answering, she grabbed her keys from the side and headed out. her car was outside waiting, penny cleaned it all out because she wanted to make the best impression she could.

it took her just over an hour and half to get there and when she did she was shocked. the streets was filled with girls screaming and shouting, they all seemed to be wearing the same tops.

"i don't think I'm at the right place luke"

luke h:
"you are, just wait at the gates"

"I'm scared but okay:-)"

penny headed to the gates and waited for what felt like hours but in real time it was a matter of seconds.

"penny? follow me." a voice spoke out and penny jumped, she turned on her heels and faced him.

"do I know you?" the boy stood and stared, he didn't know what to say. fans from all around were staring and screaming the boys name, 'michael', but a bodyguard from behind him was stopping any contact. penny's anxiety reached a high when the girls began shouting abuse over at her.

"don't you recognise me?" he was different, he looked rebellious. penny shook her head no and the boy let out a dry laugh.

"it's michael, the chameleon boy, follow me." a lightbulb lit in penny's head as the boy began walking, she jogged to keep up with him. the girls were following them and trying to get michael. "luke talks about you all the time, are you two dating?" penny's knees became weak as the sentence flowed out of his mouth, she stopped in her tracks but michael didn't notice.

after a few seconds penny was back to reality and let out a quick no before speed walking back up to him.


"no." her confidence wasn't there and michael spotted this.

"but you'd like him to be your girlfriend?" he immediately realised what he said and corrected himself. penny couldn't stop laughing, even after the next 5 minutes.

"it's not that funny!" he slapped her arm and her laughing died down.

"the fans hate me." she whispered, they were now stood in front of a huge door with too many bodyguards, as the girls tried to reach over to penny and michael.

"they're just jealous." he waved at a few and at least 4 people fainted at the sight of him.

"why?" penny was oblivious that thousands of girls would kill to be in her place right now and it was a miracle that penny hadn't broken down into tears from the abuse but the feeling of getting to finally meet luke was to strong.

"we're coming back out in a couple, be patient!" he shouted over the noise and the girls went silent.

"why does she get to go inside? she's ugly as sin!" a voice screamed from the back and all the girls burst out into laughter again, penny covered her face slightly in an attempt to make her self look better.

"if she's ugly as sin please can i be too?" that one comment from a stranger raised her confidence a little, they exchanged plenty of smiles and a quick thank you.

"because I invited her in." sassy michael was penny's favourite. the girls were still bickering when the doors were opened and the two were pushed inside without warning.

the screams were still heard from inside but they were muffled. penny became extremely self conscious from the comment made about her and wasn't sure about it anymore.

"is there a bathroom? i need the bathroom, could you show me where it is? or give me directions." penny was waffling and Michael couldn't keep up.

"is everything okay?" he was concerned, you could tell by the look in his eyes.

"yeah I just really need the bathroom." penny straightened her skirt out as michael began walking towards an open door.

"it's just down there." penny nodded, she could see the sign so she began walking. she looked back a few times to check if Michael was gone-which he was.

"penny?" she didn't recognise the voice. was it luke? "penny, it's todd."

"todd? I don't know a todd." She lied.

"yes you do, what are you doing here?" this time penny turned to face him and all sad emotions flew out of the window.

"i needed a wee." he stepped forward and she stepped back.

"what's wrong?" his voice was soothing.

"like I said, I need a piss." penny rushed from his sight and into the open bathroom. she knew he'd be waiting outside so she made it sound like rushing out of his sight was needed. she waited a while, flushed the chain, washed her hands and headed back out. sure enough todd was waiting.

"you look different." his eyes wandered around her body and clothing.

"that's because im not 12 anymore, I hit puberty." Penny crossed her arms over her chest and stepped a little closer to him.

"puberty did you good." his tone was flirty and penny didn't like it.

"why are you here?" she easily changed the subject.

"im a stylist, you?" penny looked him up and down, he had a bag of clothes in his hands.

"i came for luke..." she mumbled this, todd didn't know how to react.

"seriously? out of all of them you picked luke?" penny was confused, why didn't todd like luke?

"actually, luke picked me." penny stood her ground, her confidence was high.

"whatever, luke's through there." he held a door open and penny hesitantly stepped in with todd following behind.

a/n if you're confused, you should be! everything will make sense either in the next chapter or the one after that!!!bahahxhxj@this story :-))))

Text Messages; Luke Hemmings AUWhere stories live. Discover now