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One Week Later...

"Al hun, can ya hand me that ornament on top?" I ask, climbing another rung on the ladder to reach close to the top of the Christmas tree and holding my hand behind me for the asked for ornament.

Something small and smooth is placed in my palm and I turn to look down at Alastor, who is currently glancing down at the ground, gray face slightly red and ears twitching.

It's been seven days since Molly came to visit and I learned so much. Like how she eloped with her boyfriend of two years so Pops wouldn't ruin it or try and stop her. What surprises me, is that Rob - The mystery guys name - already has a four year old daughter from a previous marriage that ended badly.

It's impressive that the guy managed to get a divorce filed down in Hell. It's a very long process. Of course Molly said soon I could meet the guy that swept my sister off her feet. All I care about is that he makes her happy.

Bastard betta' make my sista' happy.

Sitting in the lobby that afternoon, Molly said she moved to a secluded part of Hell where Pops and Georgie - Arackniss - couldn't find them.

"Have ya told Georgie of lil' Madilene?" I had asked after she told me of her stepdaughters name and showed me adorable photos on her Hellphone.

"Hell no, I am done with them."

I had agreed and caved in to tell her more about Alastor and I after much prodding. As I was finishing up, Alastor came up from the basement covered in blood and humming a happy tune. In better spirits than before.

It had me wondering what exactly goes on down there. No question he tortures demons down there and broadcasts his radio show, but I hadn't seen him leave.


Alastor offered for Molly to stay for dinner where he cooked a delicious pasta dish with chunks of moist pink meat. After dinner, he had revealed it was a secret ingredient but wouldn't divulge more than that when we started asking.

Seeing that our questioning was getting us nowhere, we dropped it. Molly went home shortly afterward and I went over to the hotel to grab some clothing and Nuggs. I grabbed a few things from my dresser as well that I hid in between the folds of my clothes so Alastor wouldn't see them.

He already isn't too keen on anything sexual, it's best not to reveal my toys just yet. For now, I'll keep them in the dresser of the spare bedroom to use when I'm alone and horny.

Unfortunately, before I was able to make a hasty exit with Alastor, Charlie corned us and asked if we could help put up Christmas decorations when she gets the tree up.

Dying well before regular Christmas traditions, I had to learn what the holiday was from one of my best friends - Holly - when I still worked for Val. Seemed fun enough.

Although, I didn't see the need to chop down a tree and hang shiny objects on it. The only intriguing part of the holiday to me, is getting presents from strangers.

I have no idea where Charlie got the pine tree I'm currently decorating, and I don't care. I'm having enough fun making the damn thing look super bright and sparkly.

"Thanks babe." I purr and turn back towards the tree to hang the ornament on the branch above.

"This is too weird." Husk's deep raspy voice makes me wince and I look over my shoulder at him.

"If ya don't like Al and I being affectionate, go somewhere else. I will not apologize fer flirtin' with my boyfriend."

"Go somewhere else and do it, I was here first." Husk growls from where he sits on the lobby sofa and upturns a green bottle of Alcohol, guzzling the bitter liquid with zero fucks given.

Since coming out with the news that Al and I are dating - with his permission to just telling the staff - Alastor's been a bit... closed off. Uncomfortable. Especially when I openly flirt with him in front of them.

In a way, it makes sense.

He's not used to this sort of thing. Even when we were alive. Unfortunately, there are no daisy fields or cabins to run off to.

"Be nice, guys." Charlie walks into the lobby, her tone pleading. "Extermination day is in a month for the float, and Christmas is a week prior. The time for jolly and giving."

"I don't see why we hafta put this shit up early if this Holiday is a month away." I huff, wrestling to keep another ornament in place on the full tree.

"Because in two weeks, we will be hosting a Christmas party to show off the hotel and hopefully gain more patrons." I snort at her answer and roll my eyes.

"Toots, da only reason people will show up, is fer da free booze."

"Angel!" A sharp voice snaps and Vaggie goes over to curl an arm around Charlie.

"What? Jus' tellin' it like it is. Isn't honesty a 'redeeming quality'?"

"Go fuck yourself." Vaggie hisses.

"Now why would I do that when I have a super sexy boyfriend right there?" I tease and wiggle my fingers at Alastor, who flushes an even darker red.

"Angel, please refrain from sexual jokes of any nature with me in public." Alastor says, voice chipper but smile straining.

"Ya know ya love it." I smirk and the tiny twitch of one ear is my reward.

I'm startin' ta learn more of his tells.

Like twitching ears, slight movement of his coat tails in the tail region, gripping his staff tightly when holding it, and a blushing face, are all signs that point to excitement.

"Anyway, you are allowed to bring a plus one go the party. Although... it's obvious who you'll choose." Charlie says with a small smile.

"I don't know, maybe I'll ask Husky." I joke, finger tapping my chin as if I'm seriously considering it.

"Hell no!"

"Absolutely not!" Husk and Alastor yell at the same time and my lips curve up into a smirk.


It's so much fun teasin' Albert like this.

"And you'd really stop me?" I ask Alastor, hyper aware that all eyes are on us.

Eyes flashing dangerously, Alastor takes a step forward, fingers curling around the base of the ladder. "Certainly, my dear."

"Aww, ya do care." I croon and his smiles sharpens. "Say it."

"You are treading on thin ice, darling."

"Say it." I insist.

With a heavy sigh and a brief peek around the room, I watch his fingers curl into fists. "I love you, Angel."

"Good boy." I coo and return my attention to the task at hand. Decorating the jabbing tree.

I want to say it back, but not yet. I want it to be special. I want to make it special. Alastor agreed to be a tad more affectionate in public with me and part of it is saying those three words. It let's me know that he cares enough to admit it in front of friends.

To open up a bit more.

I'd be lying if I said I'm not still hurt about the fact he never looked for me once when he regained his memories years ago. Maybe that's why it's taking me so long to say it back. Fearing that once I do, something awful will happen that will rip him away from me forever. Or he will leave me again one day.

I may love him to pieces, but I'm not ready to say those three words out loud. Not yet.


Author's Note:

Hey guys, sorry it's short. But trust me, it's building up to something good! ;)

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