Untitled Part 19

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A/N: Half of this was written at around midnight, so I apologise for anything that doesn't make sense (I can't even remember what I was trying to say :)). If you point it out I'll go back and fix it. Just wanted to let you know...

"Good morning, Pookie." I clench my eyes shut tight and curl up into the warmth. Dr. Green's laugh tickles my neck, making me squirm. "I'm sorry Sang, but I've got to get up now. Duty calls, you know? The babies miss me."

I crack open an eye to look into his laughing green ones. "I've got to go to the hospital." He explains. "Cut up people and than sew them back together again, play with babies, eat apple pie and drink coffee. Lots and lots of coffee. Anyways, everybody's out today so you're all alone here. But don't worry, they left you a treasure hunt, you'll find it when you get up."

The words don't really register as I try wrapping myself around him again. "And Pookie" his hand under my chin forces me to look deeply into his eyes. Still laughing, but serious now. "You do know that you're Owen's foster daughter? That's just like being a real daughter except that the State reserves the right to take you back should they find your mother's family. Not that they have any leads yet, seeing as pretty much everyone is convinced your last name is fake. Anyway, you're Owen's daughter for the moment, so act like it. You don't have to go completely crazy, but feeling free to use any thing in this house is a must. And if you wait until I'm off from work again we'll through a party and go dancing on all his polished tables. It's expected of us, you know? Can't disappoint those expectations, can we now?" I nod sleepily. "Great. It's a date then." He slips out of bed and I clutch the pillow he left instead. Dr. Green was here. He talked. Dr. Green...

I snap up, clawing at my throat. Why won't it ever stop? Why can't the burning go away? Why do I always feel like I'm dying?

A glass of lukewarm water is held to my mouth and Dr. Green brushes through my hair as he murmurs soft nothings. The fluid soothes my throat and I look up gasping. With a last wave Dr. Green is out the door. A moment later I hear the front door fall shut. I'm alone. Again.

Shivering I crawl out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. I put back the glass where it belongs and reach for my hairbrush. There's a sticky note on the mirror.

Clue # 1

Dear Sang,

We're sorry we all have tasks today and therefore can't spend time with you. The weather forecast predicts rain so going outside won't really be an option either until you get a raincoat and boots. Therefore we have left you a trail of clues to the most important thing in the entire house. Good luck finding it!

Remember to eat some breakfast.

I read it over and over again, thinking I must have made some mistake. So they made me a treasure hunt, just like Dr. Green said, and I found the first clue. But where on earth is my hint as to where the second one is?

Finally giving up on it I get dressed and put the purple room back into pristine order. Then I just stand there. This isn't my house. I have no job to do, except follow a trail of clues I can't find. I'm hungry, I'm bored and Poughkeepsie is sleeping deeply on a stack of clothes in the closet. I'm also not quite suicidal enough to try and wake her up.

I look down at the first clue again. 'Remember to eat some breakfast.' My stomach growls in agreement. It can't be wrong to do something they said I should do, right? Dr. Green said I should act like Owen's daughter. Providing that Owen is indeed Mr. Blackbourne, that would let me eat something, wouldn't it? But what if Owen is someone entirely different? Then again, it wouldn't make much sense if I hadn't met my foster parents yet. But what if they're just waiting until I'm more comfortable with people before introducing them? What if I have to leave this place? I like this place – well, the cottage is fine, but I like the forest and I like the people. I even like Pika.

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