Chapter Seven

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Three years later, Persi was three. The silver haired child was sleeping against Serenity's body. Serenity yawned as she waited for her husband to come home. Vali was at a peace meeting, and he was complaining about how boring it would be. She groaned softly as her back started to hurt. She heard the door open and saw Vali. He smiled softly at her, and she pointed towards Persi. He came over. "Mmm. Hello my love."

"Get her off me." Serenity whispered. She noticed him limping. "She fell asleep waiting for you to come home." Vali smiled and picked her up.

"Daddy?" Persi mumbled.

"I'll draw a bath." Serenity said softly. She went towards the bath and drew one. She jumped when she felt Vali behind. "Did you get into a fight with Issei?"

"Just a spar. I met with Orphis, who said that Persiphyna was cute. She warned that the Khaos Brigade was after you and assigned my team.

"The Khaos Brigade?"

"Orphis met with another Dragon, and she's sharing the dimensional gap. She came to warn me that they want your power." Vali took his shirt off, and Serenity saw the bruise on his chest, and her eyes widened. "Azazel told Issei that I could divide breasts."

"Can you?"


"So he lied." Vali backed up some, and she growled. He got in the bath.

"We have to attend school tomorrow."

"But Persi?" Serenity asked.

"She's too stay in the ORC Clubroom."

"I'm sorry. You want my daughter to be left alone."

"She has Albion." Speaking of Albion, the miniature white dragon landed on Serenity's back.

"I'm not being left alone to babysit a child while you two are off fucking."

"School you dipshit." Serenity had taken a part of Albion's power out when Vali used his first juggernaut drive. The other half of his power was still inside Vali.

"Don't worry, that's not the only thing. Azazel said that he knew of a way for Issei to use his balance breaker."


"Ddraig took Issei's left arm. Azazel wants you to take the Draconic energy."

"I'd have to make a miniature Ddraig." Serenity said.

"I don't mind a miniature Ddraig." Albion said. He stretched his feathered wings out.

"Really?" Serenity said.

"Yeah that means we can take turns to watch the pipsqueak." Albion pointed his tail at the door. Serenity heard a sniffle and saw Persi crying.

"Oh Persi what's wrong?" Persi ran to Serenity crying.

"Mommy died and Daddy was next." She sobbed. Albion climbed on to the child and gripped her shirt with his claws. Albion was three feet; he was clearly bigger than Persi. He covered Serenity's entire back when he was on hers. Albion stretched his wings and flew up. Persi went with him and she soon started to laugh.

"You know for someone who hates the pipsqueak you sure don't like seeing her cry." Vali teased.

"I said I don't like watching her." Albion said. "Go take a bath. I'll take her to bed." He left carrying the giggling girl. Serenity turned and smirked at Vali, who was trying to hold his laugh in. She got in and leaned against his chest.

"I'm going to kill Azazel." Serenity said as she felt him wince.

"I know."

"He can watch Persi for a week." Serenity said as she turned around. "Persi wants a sibling and I'm going into heat soon." Vali smirked and gripped her hips.


"I told her if she can sleep in her bed for a week we'll give her one."

"She has not slept in our bed for two weeks."

"Yes, she hasn't. Besides, I want one that looks like me." Serenity pouted.

"Well I'll guess we have to fix that." Vali purred.

"Mommy let's watch the xenomorphs kill people!" Their daughter yelled from the living room. Serenity started to laugh at Vali's face. He looked disappointed.

"Well she may look like me but she is definitely your daughter." Vali said.

"I'm sorry. You'll have to wait till she falls asleep."

"Hurry up Mommy!" Serenity got out and got dressed. She went to the living room and saw Albion in his cat form on Persi's lap. She crossed her arms and he blatantly ignored her.

"Persi. You know you're supposed to be sleeping."

"But Xenomorphs mommy."

"Honestly Persi. If you want a sibling you need to sleep." Vali said.

"I know."

"How about we watch Alien Resurrection." Serenity smiled. Vali sighed and went to put the movie on. She made two bags of popcorn and grabbed the closest bowl. She brought the bowl out and saw Persi sitting next to Vali. Serenity sat on the other side and Cerberus jumped up onto the couch. He laid his head on her lap.

"Why is popcorn in the strainer?"

"I wasn't paying attention." Serenity said. "I thought it was a mixing bowl."


Vali set the strainer on the table. He sighed as he realized he wasn't going to have sex tonight. With Persi falling asleep in the middle of the movie, and Serenity halfway to falling asleep herself. Vali felt Serenity fall on her side as she landed in his lap. He frowned and Persi was curled up by his side. It was a sectional couch with it being L shaped and Vali was in the corner and he moved down. He pulled Serenity closer and soon fell asleep.

Vali woke up an hour later to Serenity shaking him. "What?"

"I just put Persi to bed. Cerberus and Albion are with her." Vali kissed her and carried her to their room on the second floor. Serenity moaned softly as he started to strip her.

"It's a shame that we were interrupted." Vali gripped her thighs. Serenity moaned as he pulled his boxers down.

"It really is." Her back arched as he entered her. He moved and she wrapped her arms around his neck..

"I'm going to breed you." Vali kissed her softly.

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