Practise 3 and Ferrari 😉

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I woke up to my dad towering over me.
"Charlotte how dare you,how dare you take your brother to the circuit and half your security just for some mechanics to work on a car.You could of been killed you are not to act like this again,or I could take that title as heir and give it to Anne,or just leave the country to democracy." Dad said angry.
"I shall do as I please,you wouldn't dare to remove me as heir have you seen the polls dad. They want you to abdicate and give me the throne of Monaco,and plus Anne doesn't want the crown she even said to you years ago that she didn't want it.And you and mother supported it you even said yourself you would rather die then see this throne go to democracy,so don't even try to threaten me,you are finished the public are just waiting now get out." I Shouted.
My father looked at me and looked at Fiona my dresser and walked out.
"Sorry that you had to hear that I'm an adult and so is Louis he can do as he pleases.Now let's get dressed I want something elegant not red,if that's something you can do please." I said with a smile.
"Yes your grace." Fiona said.

(^what we are wearing)"Fantastic,this is beautiful

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(^what we are wearing)
"Fantastic,this is beautiful." I said.
"Your welcome." Fiona said.
I got dressed and went down to breakfast,to my surprise father wasn't down for breakfast and neither was mother.It was just me Anne and Louis.
"Morning Anne,Morning Louis how are we today." I questioned.
"I'm good." Anne replied.
"Same here,are we going to the Practice 3 today." Questioned Louis.
"Yes we are." I said.
Just then Abby my secretary came in and said to me that Fredric Vasseur has reached out,and asked us to accompany him in the Ferrari Garage.
"Great news Louis we can go to the Ferrari garage the team boss has invited us personally." I said intrigued.
"Great." He said.
"Where are you off to then today then Anne." I asked.
"I have to go to a university lecture today,then I'm probably going to go back to my home for a bit,father and mother have been stressing me out yes it's my birthday soon and yes I will be a young royal ripe for a wedding,but I just rather get away." Anne said.
"Oh fair enough,but if you ever need to get away away you can go to my Château up in France." Said Louis.
"Thanks Louis that would be nice." Anne replied.
Me and Louis made our way to the Monaco circuit,and once again swarmed by press,and cameras.We walked to the Ferrari Garage and there was Fredric.
"Good morning your grace." Fredric said whilst bowing.
"Morning Fredric." I replied.
He did the same with my brother,and we all walked into the Ferrari garage.There was a man in a Ferrari formula one suit,and drinking from a thick long straw with black brown hair and staring right at me.
"This is Charles Leclerc your grace." Fredric said.
Charles looked at me and bowed,I reached my hand out to give him a handshake and he accepted, I felt a surge of electricity go up my hand and into my body.
"This is HRH Countess Charlotte Of Monaco." Fredrick said.
"I know Fredrick I am from here haha." Charles replied laughing.
He shook the hand of my brother,and we sat down in the area that was given to us.Charles was the first one out for practice 3.
"He was very attractive." I whispered in Louis ear.
"Haha you can't say that father would kill you." Louis replied.
Practise 3 was over and Charles was 5th he came back into the garage and didn't look happy,I decided to go over to him to see if he was ok.
"Are you alright." I asked.
"Oh your grace." He responded with a bow.
"Please just call me Charlotte." I responded.
"What happened out there." I asked.
"Nothing just don't feel comfortable with the car,should feel comfortable tomorrow for qualifying hopefully." Charles responded.
"That's good then." I said.
Just then a girl came up and kissed Charles on the lips,turned to look at me and went into a deep curtsy.
"I'm so sorry your Grace my name is Charlotte Sine." She said.
I put my hand out to shake her hand trust me to have the same name as this girl.
"My name is also Charlotte." I responded.
"How weird." Charlotte said.
"Right I must get back to the palace as I have some state matters to go over,thanks again Charles for the hospitality and conversation and thanks to you again Frederic" I said.
Even though I didn't have state matters to get on with,I walked out of there as quick as I could with Louis and protection officers behind,we all got in the limousine and went back to the palace.I looked at my brother and he looked at me.
"I don't want to talk about it just leave it Louis." I said shutting down the conversation before it even started.
We got back to the palace and I went straight to my room,showered got dressed and waited for dinner to be brought to me,so I could sleep as soon as possible.


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