The Supreme Council

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We landed on the roof of the main building of the university, which rose in spires to the sky

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We landed on the roof of the main building of the university, which rose in spires to the sky. The jewel in the crown of the Federation, the sons and daughters of every free land sought to get there. But now the building seemed dead, as did the whole city. The lights were on at rare signal posts, designed only to lure the enemy. The stars were not visible at all, they were covered by clouds and barrage balloons that reminded me of huge medusas. The only illuminated point of the huge city was the Ancestral Museum Square.

"It looks like a city under siege," said May-e-oka, helping me to jump off the wing, "Come on, yes a healthy side, I'll catch you."

I shook my head and jumped next to her, grimacing at the pain in my shoulder.

"You're not taking care of yourself, Great Worm."

"As I can."

At that moment, a siren wailed and searchlights ran across the sky from the sea. Behind them guns whistled, whose shells exploded in the air, illuminating a squadron of flying ships dropping bombs on the city. Many of them either immediately turned around or were shot down. The attack choked as quickly as it had begun.

"Like in ancient halofilms," May-e-oka whispered

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"Like in ancient halofilms," May-e-oka whispered.

"It seems that the city is giving a serious rebuff. It's amazing that we weren't shot down on approach."

"I've turned on the special Dragon Gliding Light mode. We were not visible either on the radar or in the visible spectrum."

"How did you find out about it?"

"I asked. And the system gave an answer. A convenient thing. Even a child can learn."

"I have to go down to the city."

"Go if you have to."

"Stay here and be ready for takeoff. I'll take this thing," I pointed to the ship's control hoop, "we'll keep in touch."

"Okay, just make sure it works as soon as you get a decent distance away."



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