Master of the moon

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We descended from the ship onto a wide landing pad

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We descended from the ship onto a wide landing pad. As the ship's sensors showed, the air outside was clean and saturated with oxygen, which made me a little sleepy. All kinds of machines were scurrying around, creaking and squeaking in their incomprehensible language. A planet hung over us taking up a half of the sky, and no matter how I looked, I could not find a Sea of Whales, islands or at least some familiar relief.

"I want to tell you something else," May-e-oka said, taking my hand.

"I'm not ready, but come on," I shrugged.

"This time... ah, sharaman. I'm with you... As you said," the girl began with difficulty choosing her words, "I disconnected from the Great Mother. I felt, with you, that I can choose for myself. That I have my... you know? You don't understand anything. It's like stopping...I don't even know what to compare it with."

She let go of my hand and walked away a few steps.

"I've never had an I. I didn't want anything. And then you show up, with your advice," she stamped her foot, "and now I want. And do you know how it hurts? I want us to survive. So that I can be with you... It's built into me. I'm still a program..."

May-e-oka closed her eyes.

"There are no tears," she said after a pause, "Do you understand? I can't cry."

I went over and hugged her. At first, she jerked her shoulder, but then she went limp and leaned on my shoulder, shaking in sobs.

"I'm... crying... without tears," she said with difficulty, "what a shame..."

Calming down, she straightened up, turned and looked me straight in the eyes.

"If we survive, I want us to have a house on the mountain, and I need my own separate room, not a common barrack. Your black goo woman wants privacy. And if I blow up those horns, I'll do it for you. And not for the sake of some common good, about which your mother has eaten my whole head."

"Okay," I nodded, "if I drink a drink... And it won't be me anymore, blow it up. Agreed?"

"How will I understand this?"

"You'll understand."

I hugged May-e-oka and kissed her hard.

I hugged May-e-oka and kissed her hard

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