Chapter 3

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Isis didn't think about the two checks she had in her possession as she ate dinner with her new husband and looked out at their guests who were all laughing, smiling, and seemingly having a good time. Despite what Happy did in the club, he was a little more relaxed than Isis thought he'd be at the wedding with all his brothers and their 'ol ladies. The photographer was going around taking photos of everyone, the DJ was playing music, dinner had been served and seemed to be well received. It was almost time for the first dance as husband and wife. It made Happy nervous but he knew it was something she was looking forward to since he didn't really dance. Leia had to take her phone and get her own photos of Happy and her mother out on the dance floor dancing when it was time for their first dance. It was nice to see her mother so happy and smiling and relaxed. It was a stark difference to how her mother behaved when they were still in Texas with their father. Gemma couldn't help but smile at the happy couple on the dance floor. Clay could tell how uncomfortable his assassin was as he danced with his new bride and it made the biker leader laugh slightly. If he wasn't watching it with his own eyes, he never would believe Happy would be dancing with anyone.

To Happy's relief, the song ended and he was able to go to the bar for a shot. Isis just laughed and thanked him for the dance as she went to sit back down at their sweetheart table. The dance floor was opened up to everyone so Juice asked Leia if she wanted to dance. The young woman laughed and said it would be her pleasure. He didn't see her in a romantic way, more like a kid sister. Besides, he was sure Isis would shoot any man that tried to pursue either of her daughters! He had Leia laughing as they wiggled and jiggled on the dance floor. Leia had never looked at any of Happy's brothers in a romantic way. Most were akin to funny uncles. Juice and Ratboy were like weird cousins they liked hanging out with. Isis eyed Juice suspiciously until she realized he wasn't trying to pursue her daughter. The one man she should have been looking at, however, neither she nor Happy would have ever expected to pursue her daughter especially after they were kind enough to open their home to him. Quinn sat in his chair and watched Juice dancing with Leia and all he could do was stare. Her dress looked incredible on her and he couldn't believe she was only nineteen years old. She appeared much more mature and older than she really was as she laughed at Juice.

 She appeared much more mature and older than she really was as she laughed at Juice

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Leia wound up dancing with every biker except Clay and Quinn. The tall blond biker just enjoyed watching her out on the dance floor laughing and having a good time with his brothers. He watched how her body moved and he couldn't help but envision what she'd be like underneath him. He sighed figuring her mother would never give him permission to date her daughter. Everyone knew how protective Isis was over her girls. On top of wanting them to have a life outside of just being someone's 'ol lady. It made him sad that he'd never get to experience what it would be like to kiss Leia. To hold her close to him. To hear her whispering his name. Running his hand over his face, he sighed again before getting up to head to the bar for a shot or two. He had to get whatever it was in his system out before he got himself into trouble. As he stood at the bar, Leia sauntered up wanting a drink. She couldn't have alcohol but she got a virgin drink instead and stood there sipping on it as a slow song played. Quinn had to swallow hard to keep from blurting out how beautiful she was. Looking up at the much taller man, Leia just shyly smiled. She hadn't gotten to know him very well since he was knew to SAMCRO.

"I don't think I know you." Leia suddenly stated.

"I'm Quinn. Rane Quinn. I just transferred to SAMCRO a few weeks back." Quinn eyed her up and down.

"Oh. Well, welcome to Charming! Where did you come from?" Leia asked innocently.

"I was the president of the Nomad Charter. When everyone transferred out to other charters, I disbanded and chose to come here." Quinn explained.

"I see. Must have been exciting being the President of your own charter." Leia giggled making Quinn smile.

"It was a lot of work but it was fun." Quinn smiled back, "Are you having fun at the wedding?"

"Tons!" Leia replied with a wide smile, "Oh. I think my sister is waving me over. It was nice to meet you, Rane."

His heart began to beat just a tad faster at her calling him by his first name. No one ever called him by his first name, it was always Quinn. He watched as Leia walked over to her sister. The younger girl said something to Leia which got her laughing which made the other girl laugh too. Seeing her so relaxed made Quinn smile. A fast song came on, so Leia pulled her sister onto the dance floor. Quinn took his glass of Whiskey back to his table to watch the two girls dancing together. Isis made it to the dance floor with Lyla and were dancing together. Happy was chatting with one of his brothers and not paying attention to what his new bride was doing. She was having fun and that's all that really mattered on her wedding day. The photographer was walking around taking all sorts of photos. He stopped by the dance floor and got a good shot of Isis and Lyla as well as Ashanti and Leia dancing together. He turned his attention back to the guests. When he came upon Quinn sitting by himself, Quinn raised his glass with a smile so the photographer could get a good shot of him. Quinn turned his attention back to the dance floor, eyeing up Leia the whole time.

The next song came on and Quinn was surprised to see Leia walking towards him. She stopped near him and smiled before holding her hand out for him to take. Not wanting this opportunity to pass by, he grabbed her hand and led her back to the dance floor. It was just an innocent dance, wasn't it? She asked him how he was liking Charming so far and he had to tell her things were going pretty good despite the trouble he was having in finding his own place. She nodded in understanding as she was technically still living with her mother and Happy while she went to school. He smiled and asked how she was liking college making her laugh. She began to tell him about some of the things she'd seen and partaken in making him laugh too. She wasn't much of a drinker she told him but she did go to a few college parties with some of her school friends. She found everyone getting drunk and doing stupid things hysterical. He couldn't help but wonder what she'd truly be like if she were drunk. They had a nice conversation, he thought anyway, while they were dancing together. All too soon for him the song ended. She thanked him for the dance then strutted off somewhere else. He sighed as he made his way back to his table to sip on his Whiskey.

By the end of the night, Quinn was quite certainLeia was flirting with him whenever she'd look over at him and wink. She'd beon the dance floor, even with another of his brothers, look over at him andwink. It was driving him mad! Isis and Happy went around the room hugging andthanking everyone for coming out to see them get married. Clay had given Happythe week off for his honeymoon since there was no club business going on. Thehappy couple were heading off to Hawaii for a whole week and Isis couldn'twait! There was so much she wanted to do while they were there. Happy toldQuinn he was more than welcome to stay at the house while they were on theirhoneymoon since he still hadn't found a place of his own yet. The couple were spendingthe night in the local hotel before flying out to their destination early thefollowing morning. Quinn bid his brother goodbye before following the rest ofthe guests out to their own rides. Leia and Ashanti rode together so they wereleaving together. Now they'd be alone in the house with Quinn which made Leia verygiddy. 

After they'd changed for bed, Happy asked Isisabout the two checks. She explained what Semyon had told her before reachingover into her bags to grab the two checks. The first one was for her honeymoonalthough since it was already paid for, she figured she'd put the money awayfor a rainy day. Her jaw dropped seeing twenty-five thousand written in theamount column of the check. "He always very generous towards me and thegirls!" Isis chuckled when Happy gasped at the amount. She looked at the othercheck and gasped making Happy look over her shoulder. "He wrote out a checkfor one million dollars for their college education!" Isis exclaimed makingHappy gasp as well. It made Happy a bit suspicious but she'd told him thatSemyon was the head of a Russian mob family that were into all sorts ofnefarious activities. It shouldn't be a surprise he could just drop this amountfor his grandchildren's college education. Happy was thrilled Isis wouldn'thave to stress over paying for their college even if she had been saving up forit since they were both born. Happy told her to put the checks where theywouldn't get lost with a sly grin. She knew what he was up to so she put up thechecks in her wallet then slid back into bed. Happy turned the light off beforebeginning his assault on his new bride. 

A/N: Yes, I'm leaving it there. We all know what they did ;)

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