Chapter 14

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Tig kept a close eye on the foursome the whole night. Leia was intently watching Quinn and blowing any other guys off that came up to her hitting on her. Quinn blew off any crow eater than came up to him. It was curious behavior. Isis sat next to her daughter watching the game. Quinn won making Leia smile. Happy said something making the two women look at one another then nod. The assassin grabbed two more pool sticks and handed them to the two women. Leia moved to stand next to the tall blond while Isis stood near Happy. The assassin set up the next game and while he did, Quinn grabbed Leia's ass and gave it a squeeze. Tig's eyes widened as he watched his brother touching Leia inappropriately. The young woman didn't seem to mind. At least that's the way it appeared to Tig as he watched the group. Leia took a shot after Quinn broke the balls and sunk one in, missed his next shot, and then Happy took his turn. Leia sunk in a ball and quickly turned to Quinn who kissed her forehead. With Isis watching! Tig's jaw dropped to the floor seeing that and Isis not going ballistic on him. When they first met, Isis threatened him for just looking at her daughters! The SAA took his beer and moved to the couch near the pool tables. He needed to find out what was really going on.

The friendly back-and-forth trash talking between the two men was nothing unusual. Isis got in on it which amused Tig. Seeing the affection between Quinn and Leia was unusual and it peaked Tig's interest as to what was going on. When Quinn and Leia won the pool game, Tig watched as Leia threw herself into Quinn's arms. The blond wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his hands on her ass, and pulled her closer to him. Quinn kissed the younger woman passionately taking several of the bikers off guard. Everyone in the club knew how overprotective Isis was about her girls and here was Quinn blatantly kissing and rubbing up on Leia?! Tig was sure Isis was going to blow up at him but she just stood there chatting with Happy as the other couple had their moment. Even when a crow eater came up to Quinn, the blond man only had eyes for the woman in his arms. The crow eater finally got tired of being ignored and wandered off to find someone more willing to show her some attention. Happy broke the balls this time and sunk two balls. Isis told her husband how good he'd done earning a smirk in response. It was Quinn's turn so he unwrapped himself from Leia to take his shot. The whole night the foursome played pool together. Around midnight, Happy decided he wanted to get in the ring so they all set their pool sticks back where they went and headed out to the boxing ring. Tig followed the group wanting to observe Quinn and Leia and how Isis was handling the pair.

Quinn sat on the picnic table with Leia in between his knees with his arms wrapped around her shoulders and her leaning back into him. Isis was at the side of the ring to hold her 'ol man's stuff while he was in the ring. Leia was watching the fights with what looked like fascination to the SAA. Ashanti still hadn't shown up and Tig wondered why one sister came to the club party and the other didn't. Happy dominated his fight and before long, the fight was broken up. Happy and his opponent hugged it out before climbing out of the ring. Isis helped him get redressed before moving to sit with Quinn and Leia. Tig couldn't hold it in anymore and had to go ask what had been bugging him all night. Quinn greeted his brother with a smile as Tig approached the group.

"Evening, brother!" Quinn smiled.

"I gotta ask because you threatened me for just looking at your daughters when we met. What's up with Quinn and Leia?" Tig blurted out making Leia laugh.

"She and I are dating. Yes, Isis knows although she's not too thrilled with the idea." Quinn answered earning a head nod from Isis.

"You're actually letting your daughter date a biker?" Tig's eyes widened making Isis smirk this time.

"Happy convinced me it would be alright otherwise I would have shot him." Isis stated.

"She almost did when she caught us together in my room." Leia chuckled.

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