4~ Training

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"Hey Vince, got space for one more?" I step towards them.

"Is Mary all done with you already?"

"Yes, and I have permission to begin training"

"Any skills?" He asks.

"I'm fast, good with a bow and arrow, which means I got good aim, never killed anything before though, quick learner, small and agile"

"I can work with that" Vince smiles. "Did you keep in shape inside the maze?"

"Yeah, I had to" I shrug.

"She was the best runner we had in the maze and not to forget she's great at multitasking" Stephens adds for me.

"Okay then, let's get started" He claps his hands. "You are with me and Stephen" He waves us over and we follow him.

"Great" I smile and follow close behind.

"Have you guys ever trained one on one combat?" Vince ask as we get to a open spot.

"Not much I only know a few self defense techniques" I answer.

"I have more experience but from our fight circle mainly" Stephen shrugs.

"Fight circle? What's that?" He crosses his arms.

"Every time we had a new greenie we threw a bonfire, the fight circle was a voluntary way to release tension" Stephen explains.

"That sounds like you have pretty good reflexes"

"I do"

"Perfect, face each other and let's get started"

"Like this?" Stephen and I turn to face each other. Stephen stays in a low position and I stood on my side and had my feet on a slight side angle and my knees were facing the direction of my feet.

"Good, good stance Y/n but make sure your heel is raised, the elevated foot will bring you in attack mode" Vince fixes my feet. "Stephen that's a good low stance but stand up straight and place your feet shoulder apart, shift one of your feet slightly in front of the other like Y/n" Vince points at my feet. "That way it'll be easier to shift your weight to throw punches and still maintain your balance"

"Got it" Stephen fixes what Vince told him and now we were both in the same position.

"Now Y/n throw a punch" I do as I was told and throw a punch, mid way Vince grabs it. "Try again, use all your weight to fuel it and raise your arm up to shoulder height, bending your elbow to create the hook with your thumb on top of your fist. For the motion, turn your whole body in the direction of your fist, while also turning your foot and leg in the same direction, letting your upper body follow as you throw the punch"

"Okay" I retract my arm taking a deep breath and follow all the tips Vince gave me then throw my punch landing inches away from Stephens face.

"Yes just like that but next time try punching Stephen"

"Me?!" Stephen points to himself.

"Him?!" My eyes open wide.

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