Ch 4: Something More

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I see Kie under the stream washing her hair blissfully unaware of my gaze on her. She looks so beautiful, her skin all golden, running her hands through her messy curls. Without even thinking I'm swimming towards her and appearing next to her staring deep into her eyes. Its like I left my brain in nearby garbage can. Here I am, inches away from a naked Kiara Carrera, staring into her eyes, love plastered all over my face when it hits me. She's caught me. I'm in love with Kiara Carrera. There's no denying it now. She's caught me glancing at her lips, and there's no way I can get out of this without kissing her. She's holding in a breath and eyeing my lips. Its now or never Maybank. I suck in my breath reach a hand out and place it on her waist. The cool water still trickling onto us, her mouth slightly opens and I start leaning closer. I lift my other hand to her cheek brushing some of the wet hair out of her face, she's looking at me eyes wide, and I kiss her.

The kiss is passionate and full of desire. She's trying to pull me closer so I wrap my arm fully around her waist to hold her close. She pulls away slightly, breathless but still close enough that our noses are touching. Its been 0.1 seconds since we kissed and I'm already missing the warmth on my lips. I try to read her face just to make sure she's not uncomfortable by all of this. She doesn't give me very much time to second guess myself before she's leaning in and kissing me again. Hands firmly wrapped around my torso, I move my other hand so both hands are on her cheeks, savouring every second of the kiss. I always imagined she would be a great kisser yet my brain still can't seem to process how heavenly it feels to have her lips on mine.

We break apart, eyes wide, both of us still processing that we just kissed. Luckily she speaks first because I'm still speechless. "Didn't know you were such a great kisser Maybank" she pauses "If I had known maybe I would've kissed you sooner" she teases. Grinning, I tease her right back . "So out of the 3 of us.. who's the better kisser? Huh?" I say while raising my eyebrows up and down. She looks down smiling "I can't tell you that but I'm sure you can guess" she flicks her eyes back at me again. "Yeah?" Unsure what to say beyond that she starts moving closer to me again. She's placing one hand on my shoulder, other hand on my neck, thumb rubbing against my jaw and kissing me once more. The kiss is much shorter this time and after she finishes she whispers in my ear "I think you have your answer". I can't see her but I just know she's grinning while saying it. "Now wash your hair, we should to get out before someone comes looking for us". She motions for me to turn around then she starts getting out.

I'm rinsing my hair out and taking a second to process everything that just happened. I'm still shocked that I ended up kissing Kiara Carrera and she kissed me back. Kinda thankful that my brain short circuited otherwise it might have taken another few years before I actually had the courage to do it. All it took was a deserted island, and a gorgeous spring of water for her to tear all my walls down. I smile to myself and let out a little laugh before turning around and getting out.

As I'm getting out and pushing my soaking wet hair back I see Kie sitting on the log wearing my shirt. She catches me eyeing my shirt on her so she awkwardly asks "Is this ok? My clothes are still a bit wet". "Yeah of course Kie, you look great in it anyways". I've seen her wear my clothes before but I've never been able to openly admit how much I like seeing her wear my shirts. Her tiny frame in my large shirts, they always look like a dress on her, hugging her figure perfectly. "Thanks by the way, for cutting up some pads for me... they should last me a little while.. I hope.." she looks slightly embarrassed still, after everything that happened I completely forgot she got her period. "Of course, are you doing okay? No cramps?" I say as I go to sit beside her. "No cramps, the warm water helped a lot actually." I lean back outstretching my arms behind me enjoying the warm breeze wicking away the remaining water droplets. "Good" I smile and nod. We sit in silence letting our eyelids relax enjoying the peacefulness of the jungle.

After a little while Kie nudges me, I squint my eyes at her. "Do you think we should tell the others about us.. about what happened today?" she asks. "Maybe we should keep it between us for a little bit, but if you want to tell them we can tell them". She smiles at my response "lets wait to tell them... Sarah and John B are already onto us tho". We both chuckle. "We'll let them find out themselves then" I tease.

After our clothes fully dry we both decide its time to get dressed and head back. Kie gave me back my shirt because she said that would be a giveaway. She's not wrong but part of me doesn't care who finds out now.

On the way back we grab a bit of fruit to snack on and she asks me "is it ok if we go back to the spring early tomorrow? I don't want the others to see me if its ugh.. messy.." she says while pointing towards her lower half. I place my hand on the small of her back for reassurance and say "of course, I'm a light sleeper so I'll wake you when it starts getting light out". "Thank you I really appreciate it." She grabs my hand and squeezes it and pulls me to continue walking. Surprisingly she holds my hand for the remaining hike only letting it go when the forest starts to thin out and sand starts mixing with the dirt.

When we joined the others no one questioned our sudden and prolonged disappearance. They just asked what we were up to and I stated that we were exploring and Kie really wanted to wash her clothes and rinse off the salt. Luckily everyone was productive to make up for our absence. Cleo and Pope had gone fishing catching two very large fish and John B had gotten the fire started while awaiting everyones return.

The evening was peaceful, John B and Sarah took a sunset walk along the water and the rest of us remained seated around the fire. Cleo was complimenting our work on the spears and her and Pope told us about their discussions on how they would catch some lobsters or crabs. We all brainstormed crafting a little net that would be sturdy enough to withstand the claws. After a little while Sarah and John B returned and hung out for a bit before Kie nudges me saying she's sleepy. I followed Kie to the hut and it seems like everyone made their way to their designated huts too.

After getting comfortable laying in the hut, I noticed Kie was shifting around still and kept adjusting her sports bra so I asked her if she's okay. She replies "I guess yeah, my boobs are a little sore and the sports bra is annoying". Before she could stop me I take off my shirt and hand it to her. "this should help". "Thanks Maybank" she says as she leans forward slipping the bra off and putting my shirt on. She settles into my side and tucks her head into me. "Any cramps?" she nods a little "they aren't too bad". I tell her to turn on her side and she doesn't question it. I move closer to her so my chest is against her back. I ask her if she wants me to put my hand on her stomach and she nods. I slide my warm hand under my shirt onto her lower stomach. Its quiet for a minute and she says "Sorry I hope this isn't too weird for you". "Kie... we've been best friends for nearly 10 years. I'll do anything I can to keep you comfortable". "Thanks Jayj, the warmth is really soothing". I kiss her shoulder "Goodnight Kie". She puts her hand atop of mine "Goodnight Jayj".

{sorry this chapter is a little shorter! I hope everyone had a good Easter weekend!! Also how long do you guys think it'll take before the rest of the pogues find out about their kiss?🤭}

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