Untitled Part 34

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Kian was working on a project on Valentine's day so he would be busy that whole day.

Kian was going to celebrate it with Deshawn but Deshawn had to work.


"What does this say. "Said Tris working on a project for school where they are assigned a country to do a food of, he was looking up a recipe before he prints it out.

The sign was in Hindi.

Kora looked at and translated.

"Thanks. "Said Tris.

"Wait how did you know what this said. "Said one of the guys there.

"I speak fluent Hindi, my maternal great grandparents were from New Delhi the country that invent the language you don't come from there not knowing the language, you bet your butt they made sure all of their grandkids and great grandkids knew the language also I speak four languages. "Said Kora.

Kora speaks English, Hindi, Japanese and Spanish.

Spanish was because he had to take a language class.

Kora wasn't a honor student- he got decent grades to prevent his parents from ever having to pay for his college but he also didn't want to try as much because racial stereotypes about Asian people and he happens to be Japanese and Indian American so it's like double the issues. 

Anytime he or his siblings did well in school a kid would make a comment about of course they did they're Asian or if the person knew they were half Indian American the person would "Well what do you expect he's Indian."

Well all of the guys but Deshawn, Vance and Eden got those comments in life too.

Vance's case when people found out he's half Mexican, he got the wow this Mexican boy isn't dumb which bothered him so much.

Eden is Hawaiian all he got was wow this guy sure is skinny for a Hawaiian.

Deshawn got comments like "This black guy is very smart." to "Wait you can't rap or draw."

Racism and assuming stuff based on culture is a gross thing.


Kian was working his project when he got a message from Deshawn asking if he wanted to hang out at the ice cream shop near his job.

It one counts as a Valentine's day gift and two as a early birthday gift since his birthday is the day after Valentine's day.

Kian summitted his project.

It was the late piece of homework he had left.

They ended up not going because it rained but the next day was sunny.

A few months later.

Kian met up with his friends.

A lot has happens since he last saw them.

Eden and Kora spend a lot of time together.

Eden also got a abortion because he wasn't ready to be a dad yet.

It was scary but once it was over he felt better because he and Kora wanted to finish college first and have careers first before they have a baby.

Well something happens during the second month of school. 

Deshawn isn't getting along with his roommates and had to transfer rooms because one of them said something hateful and offensive to him to the point that his safety could of been in dangerous.

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