Untitled Part 46

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Kian and Deshawn were talking to this woman named Natasha who was a twenty one year old college student who was pregnant but giving the baby up.

They were adopting the baby.

Originally some religious couple was going to but that ended in them getting banned from adopting a baby when they started screaming at her for changing her mind.

This hospital also sometimes works with adoption agents since some people think this is safer than other types of stuff also since this one of the owners use to work for a adoption agency and made the suggest- it was the first of it's kind since some people will abandon their babies at a hospital.

Other than that religious couple the only other thing they had to deal with the girl's boyfriend's racist homophobic parents(he's Japanese American and she's Korean and Black American.)

Well a few months later.

"So the room is all set. "Said Kian.

Lucky for Kian his sister Mary had a lot of old baby stuff from when Elisa was a baby.

Also Mary just had another baby about three years ago- her name is Emmy.(his sister wanted E names since she thought it was cute also E is the least offensive letter when it comes to names.) 

So Kian got a lot of baby stuff from his sister.

The only thing he needed was a extra crib since well he and Deshawn found out that there were two babies and well they adopted both.

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