3 - Recovery?

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{Mentions of suicide, Blood}

{Hawkins Indiana, Public Hospital, 7:30}

Third Person POV:

Mike was sitting up in the hospital bed, surrounded by the party.

"And then Max said she wanted to go to the mall." Lucas continued the story. "When I said we just went Max said-"

"I said, just because we just went, doesn't mean we can't go again." Max interrupts. "I wanted to invite El and Dustin and Will and Mike, but Lucas didn't so-"

Will glanced at Mike, who wasn't paying attention. His eyes were fixated right next to Lucas's head, but he was dazed off again. Will nudged Mike with his elbow, causing him to jolt up.

"Oh- sorry." Mike said. Max pauses telling the story for everyone to check on Mike. "Sorry, you can continue."

"It's fine." Will said, turning to Max again.

Max and Lucas continue to switch off telling the story of what they did yesterday. Though there were multiple times they stopped as Will nudged Mike back to reality again.

Then around a half hour later, Dustin stood up. "Do you want to go get drinks?" He says.

El and Max nod and stand up, turning to the others. "Sure." Lucas says, standing up as well.

Will looked at Mike, who again had left reality. "Um, can you just get us some?" He says, nudging the boy again. "I'll have a coke. Mike?"

"Sure, yeah, a coke." Mike said, nodding.

The group left the two alone. Will looked back at Mike.

"You can tell us to leave if you want." He says. "You don't have to put up with us." Will laughs.

Mike frowns. Did I seem like I was putting up with them? He thought. What if they think I don't like them? What if they think I don't care about them? Like him? What if they think I'm like him? What if-

"Hey, hey!" Will says, shaking Mike's shoulder. He had started to shake and hyperventilate. "You're okay, calm down."

Mike whimpered, closing his eyes against a bright sharp headache.

"Do I need to get the doctor?" Will asked, concern filling his voice.

Mike whipped his head up. "No! No, I'm- I'm fine." He said. "Please don't bring him in. Please."

Will frowned, not believing him. But he let up. "Okay." He said, letting go of Mike's shoulders. "Just.. tell me when you feel like you need us to leave, okay?"

"What?" Mike said, the same thought process from before going through his head. "No- No, don't leave." He again began to hyperventilate, eyes wild.

Will tried to calm him down again, but he just wouldn't. Then Mike started to shake and began muttering. Will continued to gently try calming him down, but Mike continued to freak out.

The door opened and in came Lucas. He immediately took in the scene and bolted to go get a nurse. The others peeked in with concerned faces. A doctor came in after a moment.

"Sir, please move." He said, making Will back up as he went forward. Mike freaked out even more now that Will wasn't there, making it hard for the doctor to talk to him.

Mike was shaking violently and whimpering, his breathing started to become dangerously uneven, as the doctor decided to give him another sedative. Two more nurses started coming in as well, trying to help. One gave the doctor a syringe and he swiftly injected Mike with it.

Will frowned as the medical people started checking his vitals and stuff. Mike whimpered again before passing out. The doctor left the room and Will sat back down where he had already been.

He looked up and caught eyes with Dustin. The teen sighed and kind of pushed El and Max out of the room.

Then the doctor came back with Karen and Nancy. The doctor sat down on the other side of the bed with a clipboard.

"Mr. Wheeler seems to have a delicate mental state at the moment." He observes. "Has he had any past trauma? Abuse? Kidnapping when young? Really anything."

Will cringed internally.

Karen thought for a moment. "No, I don't think so." She finally said. "Although one time when he was younger he ran away for a bit, apparently with some dangerous girl. But I got him checked out, he didn't get trauma from it."

Will cringed internally again. Karen knew almost nothing.

The doctor nodded. "Well, when someone is affected by trauma, their minds become a little disorganized, overwhelmed if you will." He explains. "When someone has an especially fragile mind, they might have permanent damage." Karen and Nancy gasped slightly. Will stayed quiet.

"Thankfully, Mr. Wheeler here, since he doesn't have past trauma, most likely won't get permanent." The doctor said. "Though we did a brain scan. He does have a more fragile mind than others, so even when he's discharged please be careful with him."

Karen nodded. "Yes, yes of course." She says. "But what if.. what if he tries to do it again?"

The doctor sighed. "I would propose that someone is with him at all times." He says. "Just for a while, until we're sure he won't try anything again. I can schedule appointments for him to go to therapy."

Nancy frowned. "Mike won't like this.." She says.

The doctor nodded. "Even if he doesn't, it's what's best for him." He said. "Also, regarding the spacing out I've been hearing about, I'm going to recommend some medication for his anxiety."

Will looked down at Mike, who was still sleeping relatively peacefully.

"We can go to the pharmacy right now to get them, and the pharmacy workers can explain everything to you." The doctor says.

Karen nodded. "That sounds good." She says, standing up. She turns to Will. "Can you keep an eye on him, please?"

"No problem, Mrs. Wheeler." Will says. Karen and Nancy left with the doctor and Will gave Mike a sad look.

A fragile mind? Will thought. Why didn't him tell me anything?

Mike shifts slightly, mumbling something incoherent. Will smiles slightly, slowly placing his hand over Mike's. The ravenette curled his fingers around Will's hand, holding it.

Will blushes, before his smile grows.

<^> To Be Continued

(1k words)


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