toya comes over

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Note: I started writing this in a Whatsapp gc on my phone so there might be some formatting issues 🪂

this fanfic is in a dialogue format, so no long paragraphs haha

the title is based off the lyrics in "aun no beats!"

At Crase Cafe in Street Sekai. MEIKO is brewing some coffee while Rin and Len are bickering as always. Toya and Akito walk in and sit at their usual table near the window. MEIKO sees them but doesn't say anything. She starts preparing their usuals: a black coffee for Toya and some pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries for Akito. Although MEIKO was still experimenting with adding more pastries to the cafe, she made sure to prepare a special order of pancakes for Akito.

Toya: Hey, um-Akito?
Akito: What, Toya?
Toya: I was wondering if you needed help with your next test or exam.
Akito: What gave you that idea?
Toya: Nothing, it's just that Shiraishi-
Akito (embarrassed about Toya knowing how much he sucks at school): Forget it. I can just guess the questions. I'll just get luckier next time.
Toya: Akito! No good student would say that.
Akito (thinking): I'm not a good student, Toya. You are the young gifted prodigy while I'm just some street singer with a dream I might not even achieve in years time.
Toya: I just want to help you Akito. That's what partners do... right?
Akito (a little surprised): Right...
*Akito blushes a little bit at the word "partner"*
*MEIKO walks over with their orders*
Toya: Thank you, MEIKO-san. I hope we didn't cause any trouble.
MEIKO: None at all.
MEIKO (thinking): It's nice that those two are thinking about their true feelings. That's what a sekai is all about.
*MEIKO walks off*
Toya: Akito, do you want me to come over?
Akito (thinking): At my house?! Gah, I know Ena is just going to embarrass me in front of him...
Akito: For what?
Toya: To help you study.
Akito: Uh, I guess?
Akito (thinking): SHIT I just invited him over... I need to play it cool.
Toya: How about tomorrow (Friday) after school? We could walk to your house together.
Akito: Yep, fine with me...

Akito averts his gaze from Toya.


That night, Akito went home to his house with a heavy heart. Sure, he was nervous about Toya coming over, but he also about felt like he needed to prove himself worthy of being Toya's partner.

Akito (thinking): Compared to Toya, I seem like I don't know anything about music. I need to get better... to keep up with him.
Ena spots Akito on the living room couch and crosses her arms.
Ena: Akito!
Akito (suddenly snapping back to reality): What do you want?
Ena: Akito, there's a new café that opened near Vivid Street. I need you to take me there tomorrow after school.
Akito: I already have plans.
Ena: Huh?!
Akito: Ask Mizuki or something.
Ena: I already did! They said they wanted to come, but who's gonna carry our bags or take photos for us?
Akito: Ugh, I'm not an errand boy!
Ena: Hmph.
Ena noticed that Akito seemed like he was only half-paying attention to the conversation. Something was on his mind.
Ena: What's on your mind?
Akito: Why do you care?
Ena: No reason, it's just sudden that you have plans tomorrow.
Akito: Toya is coming over to help me study.
Ena: Toya...? Oh, your partner. What's wrong about that?
Akito stays silent for a bit.
Akito (thinking): There isn't anything wrong about that. Then... why do I feel so jittery? My heart is beating so fast just thinking about him...
Ena: Ohh, I see what's going on.
Ena smirks a bit.
Ena: You suck at studying and don't want him to see that!
Akito: Huh?! No!
Ena: What a stubborn boy... whatever, I guess it will just be Mizuki and I.
Deep down, Ena did feel a little bad for Akito, not that she'd admit it or anything.
Ena (quietly): I'll bring home some pancakes from the café for you.
Akito (in barely a whisper): Thanks.


After school the next day. Akito made sure to wait for Toya in the courtyard early, knowing that he had library duty and might have been a little late.
Akito (thinking): Well, I guess it's a good thing that Ena won't be home. It'll just be me and Toya...
Toya: Akito! Sorry for being late.
Akito: Hm? Oh, Toya.
Akito and Toya start walking over to Akito's house. They talk on the way about various things, such as Vivid BAD SQUAD, Rad Weekend, and school.
Akito: I wish we didnt have to take so many tests at Kamiyama. Does Kohane need to take that many at Miyamasuzaka?
Toya: Kohane mentioned that they need to take a standardized test every so often. So Kamiyama actually has less tests.
Akito: Oh, then I'm glad I don't go to Miyamasuzaka.
Toya: Akito... you do realize that it's an all-girls school right? You wouldn't be able to go to Miyamasuzaka in the first place.
Toya and Akito got to Akito's house after a while. Ena was standing outside with Mizuki. Ena is holding a small box with a pink bow.
Ena: Akito! Toya-kun!
Akito: I thought you left already.
Ena: We are going to, I just wanted to give Toya something.
Ena gives Toya the box.
Ena: They are tea cookies. To thank you for getting that penguin plush from the arcade that one day.
Toya: Oh, thank you Ena.
Mizuki: Cya, Lil' Bro!

Mizuki and Ena leave.

Toya: Why does Mizuki call you Lil' Bro?
Akito: No reason...

Akito (thinking): How come Ena does nice things for Toya but never me? Ugh, typical of her.

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