studying together

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Toya and Akito walk inside Akito's home. It was rather quiet due to the absence of both parents. Akito was rarely home, while Ena always spent her time in her room painting or on calls with Nightcord. Akito immediately dashes over to his room with Toya following behind him. Akito's room was messy and simple compared to Ena's. He had a few posters on the wall and a desk cluttered with CDs and random Post-It notes.

As Toya looked around, he did notice something. In a neat pile next to Akito's bed were the plushies Toya won at the arcade. Akito always claimed to not be fond of stuffed animals, saying that they're just for Ena's photos.

Akito: What are you looking at?

Toya: Nothing.

Akito: C'mon, wipe that smile off your face.

Toya: It's just that you kept the plushies I gave you.

Akito's cheeks turn pink.

Akito: N-no! I-I was just holding on to them.

Toya: I won't tease you. Now...

Toya sits on Akito's bed and picks up a stuffed bear with a yellow bow. Akito sits in front of him, confused. Toya gets out a notebook and pencil from his bag.

Toya: I'll just write down some problems to start. We'll see where you are at in math currently.

Toya starts scribbling down some sentences with one hand while hugging the bear in the other. His handwriting did resemble those of a pianist's, quick and light. Akito tries not to stare and distracts himself by looking at the wall.

Toya: There. Take your time.

Toya gives Akito the notebook.

Akito (thinking): Ugh, school is such a pain. I have no idea how Toya and Kohane do it.

Akito attempts the problems. After a while, Akito looks up and notices that Toya has been staring at him as he worked.

Akito: What are you staring at me for?

Toya: No reason, it's just that I can't help but feel like there's something different about you.

Akito: Probably because I trimmed my bangs.

Toya: Oh, now I see.

Toya leans over and lifts up Akito's bangs. Whenever Akito felt flustered or embarrassed, his ears always turned extremely red. Toya's hand was cool and soft compared to Akito's (now) hot face.

Akito: Uh--I-I should probably finish this.

Toya: You're right.

Toya sits back on Akito's bed and hugs the teddy bear.

After a while, Toya explained the rest of the problems Akito struggled with. Akito nodded mindlessly, not that he didn't understand, but because he felt somewhat warm inside. He was sitting close to Toya on his bed, while Toya taught him about academics in the voice Akito knew while they sang together. However, Toya seemed oblivious to Akito's sudden rise in temperature.

Akito (thinking as Toya kept talking): His eyes... the mole under his left eye... the way his lips move...

Akito (suddenly snapping out of his hazed state): What was I thinking?! "Partners" my ass! Maybe I'm just spending too much time with him or something.

Akito looks at Toya subtly.

Akito (thinking): Right... he'd never see me that way. I mean--it's not like I do. It's not like I want to hold his hand and--

Toya: Akito?

Akito: Huh?!

Toya: Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you. Did you hear what I said?

Akito: Uh...

Toya laughs softly.

Toya: There's a meteor shower tonight. I was wondering if you wanted to watch it with me. We could watch it in your room through your window.

Akito: Oh, sure.

Toya: Perfect!

Toya puts his hand on Akito's shoulder. Akito suddenly jolts away, causing Toya to lift his hand up.

Akito: Sorry.

Toya (thinking): Akito's been acting really weird...

Toya: No, I'm sorry. I should have respected your personal space.

Akito: I'm fine if you touch me. It was just reflexes.

Toya: If you insist.

Toya hugs the bear closer.

Toya: Hey, look.

Toya holds up the bear.

Toya: It kinda looks like you.

Akito's cheeks were flushed.

Akito: N-no!

Toya smiles softly. Akito playfully punches Toya's arm.

Akito: Oh, you!

Akito and Toya share a moment of silence as Toya opens up the box of tea cookies Ena gave him. Akito goes on his phone and gets out his earbuds from his jacket pocket.

Akito: How are the cookies?

Toya: Delicious. Please send Ena my regards.

Akito gives Toya the other earbud and pulls up a recent video of Len and Rin performing a virtual show. Suddenly, Toya rests his head on Akito's shoulder while nibbling on the cookie. Akito's cheeks reddened again.

Akito (thinking): He's so close... just pay attention to the video.

Akito synced his breathing with Toya's and relaxed.

Akito (thinking): I shouldn't be having thoughts like this. Kohane and An probably feel like this all the time right? I mean--they literally went on a date together. There's no way they don't get random thoughts about each other at night...right?

Akito (thinking): This is stupid. Toya probably thinks I'm dumb and that this is dumb--

Toya nonchalantly hugs Akito's arm.

Akito (thinking): Calm down, calm down. I would be a fool if I thought that Toya was flirting with me or something...

Toya: Thank you for having me over, Akito. And for being my partner. Having you by my side is all I could ask for.

Akito: T-Toya!

Akito looks around, thinking about what to say.

Akito: Thanks, Toya. For sticking with me.

Akito fist bumps Toya.

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