Letters: Part Three

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I didn't hear for him for awhile... 

First it was days that past without a letter... then it was weeks... and then I realized I was packing for college when I got my letter from him since Christmas.

 I was going to attend Carnegie Mellon with my best friend Blair. And August 21st was just around the corner.

I sat in my empty room and my dogs started to bark which meant that the mail has come. After my dogs stopped barking I went to get the mail.

The first couple of weeks I would run to the mailbox hoping there was a letter for me. And then slowly I stopped caring if it came or not. But I'm not gonna lie, a part of me wanted it to come. 

I got up from my seat on the floor and dragged one leg in front of the other. I wasn't the happiest person on earth right now. I mean I was so happy that I got into Carnegie Mellon with my best friend... But I didn't want to be 7 hours away from home by car and 5 hours away by train. 

I opened the door and I felt the heat from the sun hitting me hard. I got the mail and looked through them. 

Junk. Junk. Junk. Junk. Junk. Junk. Junk. To Madeline. Junk. 

I stared at the letter that was sent to me. It said it was from Bryce. 

I ripped it half. I opened the trash and dropped it in. 

August 21st.~~

"Oh yeah Maddie, I think I ripped this by accident, don't be mad I did! I taped it back together for you," my mom handed me an essay with tape down the middle. 

We were in the car going to Pittsburgh. I took it from her hands, "No mom, you didn't rip it. I did," I told her. 

She looked at me, "Do you want me to take it back?" 

I shook my head no and just decided to read it. 

Dear Miss Madeline:

The first thing I noticed was that it wasn't Bryce's handwriting.

Thank you for keeping my fiancé company while he was in the Marines in the beginning. He's home now and I saw all the letters you wrote to him. Pretty deep writing...

I just want you to know that we're getting married in a couple of weeks. I know we're both very young, but we want to spend as much time together as possible before he goes back. 

He's going to be making this his career. And as his future wife, I should be the one being there for him and sending him care packages. 

I hope you understand the message I am trying to get across. 

I think it would be best if you and my fiancé didn't write letters to each other anymore.

And please know I do know where you live now. I know your address and I will know if you are sending letters to him.

To woman to woman, please understand that this is for the best. You can start fresh with new Marine or solider if you want to continue writing. You can get to know someone else. And I don't need to worry about him leaving me... ever for someone like you.

You probably won't ever understand why I am asking this since you never have or will go through the pain of sending a Marine out into the field. And you will never know how lonely it is at home without your boyfriend or husband. You will never understand being pulled away from someone you love so much.

I hope you get the gist of what I am saying now. 

Thank you again for keeping my fiancé company, for giving him something to look foward to, and being his friend... and hopefully... being ONLY his friend and nothing more.

Brittany Clarks

I crumbled the paper. I wanted to yell on the top of my lungs. Who was this girl?

I'm sure Bryce had hands. He could just tell me himself that he couldn't be my friend or my pen pal anymore. He had to get a bitch to do it for him.

I sat in the car for the next three hours staring out the window wondering what I should do with the letters he wrote to me. They were in the trunk, inside a box filled with my make up and such. 

The three hours felt long and painful because all I was able to think of was him. I was shocked. I wasn't shocked that I couldn't talk to him anymore. I knew something was up when he didn't mail me. I was just shocked that he proposed to a girl who was with him for his money!

I know it doesn't make sense... But when Bryce and I did talk he told me his story.

He's family is really rich and his dad had his own company and mom is a lawyer. Bryce flunked school because he thought he could just take over his dad's business. But when he found out that his dad wouldn't let him do that without an education, it was too late for Bryce. He was a senor in high school when his dad said that Bryce couldn't work for him without an education. 

That was when he decided to join the Marines. He met Brittany when he was a Junior in high school. He described her to be the type of girl who expected big things from her boyfriend. And Bryce just stuck with her to feel love. And she stuck with him because she knew he was able to support her and buy her things she couldn't buy herself.

That was what made me angry. And for some reason I wanted to know how big the ring was. Because knowing Bryce and the type of girl Brittany was, it was probably larger than bolder. 

Oh gosh, I hated his girl so much. Something about her, the way Bryce described her and the way she wrote that letter! Ugh! 

What did she me "someone like me?" What was wrong with me? Um. I think NOTHING! If there is a problem, it's her. 

I know I said this already. But I really wanted to yell on the top of my lungs and yell and yell and yell until all of my frustration was out of my system. 

But this was when I knew, fairy tales aren't real and I have to get out there and not waste my time waiting for a stupid letter to come. 

But before I did that. I was going to write my final letter to Bryce and Brittany. 


JASKDFJASDIG Thank you guys so much for becoming a fan and voting! It really means a lot to me! 

And I do not really know anything about the Marines and solider thing. I'm sorry if I made a mistake! But I'm just trying to follow whatever was written in the things that my best friend had! :/ 

But please feel free to correct me! 

Once again, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!

Today is Sunday, May 1! And I am going to try my best to post another chapter/ part/ whatever they are called! So be on a look out!

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