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Listen to the song Knees (Lyrics) Nightcore Bebe Rexha

Or listen to Umbrella by Rihanna 

"You are very important to me, never forget that..." Vio woke up all sweaty on the cold, damp floor of dungeon. The dungeon was a horrible place, a place where rats scurried to find food. A place where criminals belonged, A place you didn't be. Vio looked around and noticed it was pitch black and had rarely any light, and when there was light it was just luck. Vio didn't remember anything what had happened, or why he was here. Everything just felt hazy, or a blur of memory. Suddenly the blinding light of the door opened and stop his thinking trail. He had be in the dark so long the light of day blinded his dark blue sapphire eyes. When he finally got used to the light a man opened and quickly closed the door. Making his way to the cells. He eyed each cell, like making sure nothing change, when he approached Vio cell he grinned.

"See you finally awoke" A dark voice said. Vio looked around and noticed a purple skinned man a couple years older than Vio and had red eyes. Vio glare and grit his teeth. From the looks of him he just had a feeling he was the reason why he was here.

"What do you want with me!" Vio said wanting to know. The man laughed and step closer to his cell.

"I don't want anything from you, I need you to lure someone here, you know." He said with an evil grin. Vio glare at him. He tried standing up, but notice he was chain against the wall hands behind his back. Helpless. The man opened his cell and approached Vio wear the villain's classic evil grin.

"I'm Lord Vaati, and you have betrayed me, turned the whole world against me, and my loyal subject... I brought out of the mirror. And you'll not only lure him here, but will also pay." Vaati said angrily. He red eyes were angrier then fire and wore and frown showing his white fangs. He step very close to Vio, and Vio felt uncomfortable. He got very close to him and whispered something that only Vio could hear. When he was done Vio gasped and turned angry. 

"Never!" Vio replied angrily clenching his teeth. Vaati stared in shock. He quickly grabbed Vio by the throat and gripped him tightly until Vio was a second away from unconscious.

"You'll think twice about messing with the dark!" He said snarling. He drop Vio and slammed his cell shut. Before he left the dungeon he looked back at Vio grinning happily.

"Like I said if your smart you'll think twice about messing with the dark." He repeated and made his way out of the dungeon slamming the door closed. Vio just sat there in pain, and glaring at the door.

"How dare he say that." Vio said quietly to himself and hung his head looking at the floor closing his eyes.

He whisper something quietly to himself, but not quiet enough for the neighboring prisoners to hear and snarl at him.


"Just hold still." Shadow said focusing on his target. He took out a sliver bow and pulled the arrow. 

"Okay..." Red said scared. He stood in front of a brown oak tree with a red shiny apple on his head that shimmered in the sun.

"Almost got it." Shadow said and released the arrow trying to hit the apple on Red head. The shot through the blue sky and made its way to the apple.

"Yikes." Red ducked and the arrow missed the apple. Shadow groaned and went to get the apple on the ground. The apple didn't shimmer anymore, but had a big bruise on it. Shadow looked at the apple and put it back on Red's head.

"Hey, Shadow, Red do you know where Vio is?" Green asked running out of their house. Their house sat in the top of a hill surrounded by pretty multi-colored flowers especially Silent Princesses. And looked very pretty when the last rays of sun hit their house and disappeared into the night.

"He went into the forest to read his book about...uh nature I think." Shadow said reattempting to hit the now bruised apple. He tried very hard to focus on the apple and hit it.

"Okay, Blue you're coming with me to look for Vio." Green said grabbing his sword and shield. Blue looked up from the grass and looked at Green.

"Vio probably in the forest reading unharmed." Blue said and returned laying in the grass on the right side of the house. Blue snuggled in the warm soft green grass and closed his eyes. Green rolled his dark blue sapphire eyes that were identical to Vio's. He picked up Blue's beaten up hammer that look almost worn out and banged it on Blue head.

"Come on Blue." Green protested and grabbed Blue and went to search for Vio before the sunset into the horizon.

"I'm telling you Vio's fine and next time don't hit me so hard!" Blue said as the two disappeared into the dark trenches forest. Shadow watched as Blue and Green lefted and turned back to Red and wore a devious grin.

"And continue." Shadow said and released his silver arrow shooting through the sky trying to hit the target. 


"Wakie, Wakie!" Yelled Vaati swinging the door to the dungeon wide open. Vio opened his eyes and glare at Vaati. Vio looked at the door and it looked like dawn of morning. As Vaati rang his sliver bell everywhere trying to wake up all the prisoners. They all groaned and looked at Vaati who wore a big evil grin.

"Wake up, Traitor." Vaati said to Vio. Vio looked away to the cold wall of the dungeon,trying to contain his anger which Vaati made hard every second. Vaati tossed the metal sliver bell onto the ground making a big clang to the ground.

"Today's the day you become useful!" Vaati said leaning sticking his head through the bars of Vio cell. Vio looked back at him making his blue eyes angry, like on fire.

"Guards unlock his cage." Vaati order. Two guards wearing ripped black uniforms used a key and unlock Vio cell and push him out harshly out. They handcuffed him and he made his way up to the light of day. Vaati opened the door as Vio was blinded by the light of the day. As he walked up the stairs occasionally being nudged by the guards, he looked around. The castle was worse the dungeon, gloomy, damp, and put Vio in a horrible mood. But there was weird blue glowing light on torches that kept it not pitch black unlike the dungeon. The walls were bricked and were cracking, the floor wasn't any better mostly wet and stepped into puddles or black ink a lot. As Vio reached the top of the stairs he was shocked. Below him was a crowd of disgusting, hideous monsters. It looked like thousands at the least and all glared at Vio.

"Monsters of the dark, in a few days we will conquer Hyrule and the world!" Vaati said throwing his fist in the air in victory. The crowd cheered loudly excitedly.

"And we will destroy the legendary Link and Zelda." He continued giving a wicked smile to Vio. Vio had the last straw and lost it. 

"Never! the four Links and Shadow will stop you!" Vio yelled at him angrily. Vaati turned to Vio and approached him and grabbed his arm and twisted it making as much pain to Vio. He dug his long nails into Vio skinned as Vio winced in pain.

"I will destroy them, using you and your beloved friend, I think you know who I'll talking about." He said and released his grip from Vio leaving a river of red blood on Vio's arm. Vio glared at Vaati in pain as he grinned.

"I'll need your help turning him evil again." Vaati said looking at his nails which were covered in blood. Vio looked at him confused as the guards made him bow on his knees.

"I'd anther die then follow orders from the wicked, cowardly person like you." Vio said trying to break free. The crowd gasp in shocked. As Vaati rolled his crimson red eyes.

"This is how I'll do it." Vaati said and created a bright dark magenta purple ball and hit towards Vio. Vio screamed and his dark blue eyes turn golden yellow, his hair turning dark blonde.

"This time you'll stay evil." Vaati finished letting his people look at the new Link.


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