Chapter 43

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The project defense lasted four excruciating hours. Students were dressed in their labcoats, hearts beating with trepidation from the need to ace the massive credit load course. And when it was over, everyone couldn't be more relieved, weak in the knees while they hoped their best was enough.

"How did it go?" Kazeem asked as Fatima and Huma stepped out from their lab where the defense had taken place. All groups were appraised at the same time, so everyone milled out almost immediately.

"Totally exhausting, but I think we managed." Fatima answered for both,taking off her lab coat.

"Huma!" Some classmates charged towards them, all of a sudden, Huma found herself surrounded. Overwhelmed, Fatima stepped aside, so as to avoid being knocked over.

"You really saved us!" Someone said.

"If not for you eh."

"We owe you lunch."

Flustered by the praises and cheers, Huma forced smiles and tried to shrink away, but Kazeem spurred them on, mentioning an after party she must attend where they'd honor her efforts.

"Stay! Stay! Stay!" Her group chanted, and she cracked under pressure.

"Don't worry, guys. I'll make sure she does."

When everyone had departed, Fatima told Kazeem that she needed to get something to eat because she hadn't eaten anything that morning.

"You go ahead. I'll join you later." Kazeem said distractedly.

Fatima looked about to protest but had second thoughts and begrudgingly left with a flounce.

Kazeem seemed oblivious to his girlfriend's anger. "You did really well today. And don't try to act modest or even deny it. It's obvious."

She made a gesture of giving thanks to Allah then thanked him for providing a translator, which he waved off.They shared a awkward smile. Since the encounter at the old people's home they've not had any meaningful conversation. She didn't mention it and neither did he.

Kazeem scratched his head. "So have you eaten anything?"

Huma shook her head.

"Let's get something to eat then we head to the main theater hall for the after party."

She have him a pleading look. The last thing she wanted was to be the center of attention.

"Nah. There's no way out. They are expecting you."

The hall was already abuzz with excitement. Project defense day had been an elephant's task and the students had dreaded it and couldn't be happier to have the burden lifted off their shoulders. There were drinks and snacks but no music--they didn't want the authorities hot on their trails.

Huma's group hollered and cheered as she entered. She turned to run but Kazeem gently shoved her forward.

"It's your turn to shine."

He found them a seat and help her fend off the new fandom. Meanwhile Fatima watched them, surrounded by chattering friends herself, her eyes strayed to them often until she couldn't handle their chumminess. She walked towards the rowdy bunch. Huma saw her approach and shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" She told Kazeem.

"About what?"

Her smile tightened. " I'll tell you once we are in a quiet place."

Kazeem considered briefly, said, "Just give me a moment," and responded to a comment someone had made earlier.

Angered and emabrassed by the dismissal, Fatima balled her fists. "What's wrong with you?" When he continued to ignore her she shoved his shoulder. "I'm talking to you!"

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