Chapter 44

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The results of the room week was out. Room 25 shared the top spot, the dance group room had come in second and the fashion show third. The winning rooms would be given cash rewards and an all expense paid trip to Obudu mountain resort in Cross River state for a one week stay. The other rooms earned consolation prizes for participation. Everyone was estactic.

"We'll take the money," Uche told Henrietta who'd come to deliver the news.

"Unfortunately,honey, they go together. You have to do both."

" We can't just take one week off our school calender. Some of us have projects and exams and jobs."

"Cry me a river," Henrietta had retorted, rolling her eyes." If you've got an issue, take it up with the management, honey."

"Okay, stop calling me that," Uche scowled.

Henrietta smirked."You're so beautiful when you're mad, honey."

Uche had slammed the door in annoyance. There was no way she'd go on that trip but it wasn't her decision alone to make. Her roommate looked like a gleeful child on Christmas eve when she heard the news. Of course she'd love to travel-only if her parents permitted. Now she had to hope that didn't happen.

Rita had heard the news as well, and, bubbling with excitement, she fell in step with Uche as she left the lecture hall.

"So, how does it feel to be a winner?"

Uche shrugged. " How is it supposed to feel like?"

" Exhilarating. You get a substantial sum of money and an all expense paid trip. That's big."

"I don't know why you're excited about it. Only first and second place get the substantial sum and getaway trip."Uche stated in a dull tone.

Rita came to stand in front of her, grinning triumphantly. "That's where connection comes in. I wouldn't miss a chance to strengthen this special bond between us. Besides, I was the costume designer for the play, so in a way, i still get to go." She squealed. " It will be so much fun. We will most likely bunk together and-"

"I'm not going," Uche said flatly, and walked around Rita.

Rita's mouth dropped open. "What?" She quickly followed, matching Uche's long strides. "What do you mean by you're not going?" They climbed down the stairs.

"I've got things to do. In case you've forgotten, we have exams and projects."

" They know that, and I'm sure they'll give a convenient date. One that falls during our holiday."


"Still you'll find another excuse not to come,"

Halting, Uche turned. Rita stood with her arms folded,eyes narrowed, daring her to say otherwise.

"Besides, you can't," continued Rita. " The reward system holds only if everyone who partook in the room week is present. That means, you'll ruin it for everyone."

"I don't know why I should care."

"I know you don't but do you really want to deal with the full wrath of the other girls?" Rita stalked closer, seeing Uche's lips twitch. "I don't think so. Granted, you don't like people," she rolled her eyes, tone sarcastic,." but it's money and free trip and food, Uche. What the hell is wrong with you?"

When Uche kept silent, staring at her intently, Rita deflated. " I know the whole thing left a sour taste in your mouth, but you worked hard and tripped over heels for it. You can't be feeling generous now when money is super difficult to get these days. How often does this sort of opportunity come by?"

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