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aaliyah pov

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aaliyah pov

it's 3 am and billie still isn't back home yet. i've been calling her but she's not answering.

where the fuck is she at? she got to be cheating aint no way you sleeping over at some person house without telling me first.

you could've at least telepathically did it. (coming from someone with no telepathically abilities at all)

i can't sleep because i'm worried. what if she got in a car accidentally and i don't know at all. what if she shot or stabbed? she need to answer my phone calls or i WILL get in this car and head to her location.

i decide to send a text one last time before getting ready to leave.


since u ain't wanna answer me i'm coming to ur location
read 3:23am

she's busy
[one attachment]

who tf are you
and why you on her phone?
also why tf y'all up on each other like that...
i promise you when i catch you i'll beat ur ass
idec that i'm pregnant
get your ass whooped by pregnant woman

yeah ok 😂
i'm her friend
the one you talked to on the phone that one time
yea it's me

put her phone down
wake her ass up
and tell her to come back home

no can do
my friend is comfortable 🫶


you're so overdramatic
billie and i are only friends
i mean with the way you been acting it's like you want me to show her what she's been missing
i would be a better wife than ur ass
trust and believe the second she gives me any subtle hint she wants me,we fucking

well you gonna be waiting a long ass time for that cause it will be never
you're bold to say that like i don't have your address 🤷🏽‍♀️

pull up then idc ?
but at the end of the day she gonna always come back over
her dick is big i see why you all up on that

funny of you to assume im with her cause of that
also funny of you to assume she would even consider your ass

that's crazy considering she just humped me in her sleep,dick print all on my ass 
if we end up fucking dw imma make sure i send you footage
she's gonna fall in love with this pussy




i call up andrew and ask him to just watch over the house because i'm leaving kourtney here by herself.

i put on my sneakers and grab my car keys before leaving out the front door.

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