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With the curtains filtering most of the bright sunlight from entering his room, Tanqr woke up in cold sweat, clutching his blankets tightly as the nightmare he just had replayed in his head. The nightmare? Kreek died. Kreek died because of that demon that 'visited' him.

I have to make sure Kreek stays safe, that's the least I can do after this mess I caused. Picking up his phone, Tanqr messaged Kreek and asked if he could go over to his place and hang out with him.

Kreek yawned, having just woken up and told Tanqr that he could come over. Changing into his usual outfit, the brunette was about to lie back down on the bed until Tanqr arrived when he heard the doorbell ring. Kreek dragged himself to the door and opened it, letting Tanqr in and starting to make his way back into his room, Tanqr following behind.

"You just woke up didn't you?" Tanqr commented, looking at how tired the brunette seemed. Kreek rolled his eyes, muttering to himself, "What do you think." Apparently Tanqr heard that because he started chuckling. "You look adorable when your sleepy", Tanqr said, smiling as he watched the brunette flush red.

"I hate you", Kreek replied as he sat back down onto his bed. "You sure change your mind quick, just last night you were head over heels for me", Tanqr smirked, or at least Kreek thought he did, it was hard to tell with that mask on.

"Why did you want to come here anyways?" Kreek asked, completely ignoring Tanqr's previous statement. "Can I not visit my boyfriend?" Tanqr countered, sitting down next to the brunette. "No", Kreek replied, smiling. "Okay, I'll leave then", Tanqr shrugged, getting up and beginning to walk towards the door.

"No- Wait- Stay, please", Kreek pleaded, reaching out and grabbing onto Tanqr's hoodie sleeve. "Wow you really do change your mind quick", Tanqr stated, folding his arms. "Yet you still love me", Kreek replied. "Mhm", Tanqr said, lifting his mask and lightly kissing the brunette on his cheek before adjusting it back to cover his entire face.

"Ima go make you breakfast, you haven't eaten right?" Tanqr stated, starting to make his way back to the kitchen. "Yea..", Kreek replied. Within the next several minutes, the faint scent of vanilla and maple syrup wafted into the the brunette's bedroom.

Kreek walked into the kitchen. Spotting Tanqr flipping pancakes in a pan, the brunette started sneaking up behind him, preparing to scare him. "What fruits do you like Kreek?" Tanqr asked while focusing on the pancakes and not turning around. "I- Blueberry Poptarts?" The brunette replied, confused as to how Tanqr knew he was coming.

"That isn't a fruit Kreek", Tanqr sighed, plating the pancakes and drizzling maple syrup over them before handing it to Kreek. The brunette thanked Tanqr and brought the plate of pancakes to his room, setting it onto his desk and starting to slowly eat them.

"So, what do you wanna do after this?" Tanqr asked, scrolling through twitter as he sat on the brunette's bed. "Roblox?" Kreek suggested, pausing as he realized what he just said. "You play roblox?" Tanqr repeated, turning around to face him. "Yea.. Mainly piggy and jailbreak", the brunette muttered, picking at his pancakes. Oh god, he's gonna think I'm childish or cringe..

"That's nice, I play roblox arsenal and bedwars", Tanqr replied, much to Kreek's surprise. "I'm done, let's play", the brunette smiled, pushing his plate away and setting up his computer. Tanqr nodded, pulling out his laptop and turning it on.

The next few hours were spent playing a multitude of games together, the duo constantly trying to best the other in whatever game they were playing. Playful teasing, laughter and chatting were just some of the many sounds heard as they enjoyed their favourite (or least favourite) games together, only taking a break once to eat lunch.


"Hah, I beat you again", Tanqr laughed, turning around to face the brunette as the bedwars match ended. "That wasn't even fair, you have more experience in that game", Kreek complained, flooding his arms. "I could say the same for the piggy and jailbreak games we played", Tanqr countered, imitating the brunette's actions.

"What now?" Kreek asked, climbing onto the bed next to Tanqr and resting his head on his shoulder, "It's already 5pm, I'm tired." "We could watch a movie", Tanqr suggested as the brunette just nodded. Tanqr placed his laptop on a table in front of them and starting playing the first show he saw on Netflix.

Kreek smiled, hugging Tanqr as he looked the changing scenes on Tanqr's laptop screen. Soon, the brunette's eyelids fluttered shut as Kreek fell asleep amidst the dialogues playing from the movie. Tanqr noticed, gently laying the brunette onto the bed and shutting his laptop down.

Closing the windows and drawing the curtains, Tanqr laid down next to Kreek, wrapping his arms around the brunette's waist and closing his eyes. Within minutes, Tanqr was fast asleep, having already forgotten that he was not supposed to let his guard down and stay out this late..

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