Twenty Four

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Tears formed in the corners of Kreek's eyes, nearly spilling as he replied, his voice almost silent, "Kill me Tanqr." Tanqr let out a forced chuckle, "If it were that easy I would have done it a long time ago. Kreek, you have to take your life with your own ha–" Tanqr was interrupted by someone pouncing onto him, shoving him to the ground, as he loomed over him.

Kreek stood at one side, gaping as his eyes widened. Two Tanqrs??? For a moment the brunette thought he was hallucinating again, rubbing his eyes and pinching himself. Yet, the dight in front of him remained – A Tanqr glaring down at another Tanqr lying on the ground. "I thought I told you to stay away from Kreek", Tanqr growled, ready to rip his clone throat apart. Tanqr sat up, angling his head to face Tanqr, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.

"I mean, I figured I'd help u tell him since you're too scared to. No harm in that is there? He'll find out at some point anyways", Tanqr replied nonchalantly. "You-", Tanqr started, his emotions a raging fire. Never in his life had he wanted to kill someone this badly but he couldn't, at least not right now, not in front of Kreek. Tanqr knew that the brunette was probably still confused or uncertain. He could use this doubt to convince him that what his copy said was all a lie, that he was just a normal person, not a demon.

"Tanqr?" Kreek called out, both of them turning towards him at the same time. "Yea?" The Tanqr's replied in unison, sending a quick glare at each other before turning back to the brunette. "What's happening? Why are there two of you? Why didn't you tell me you're a demon?" Kreek queried, his mind a flurry of unanswered questions. Before Tanqr could speak, Tanqr replied, pointing at the other now sitting on the ground, "I'm the real one, he's lying to you. Kreek, whatever he said before about what I am was a lie."

"Really?" Tanqr asked, "You're still not gonna tell him?" Tanqr turned around, giving the other a death stare through his mask. The brunette remained silent, not knowing who to trust more, both of them with their respective motives for doing so. Tanqr audibly sighed as he pulled out a dagger from his pocket, lunging towards Kreek. The brunette eyes widened as the glint of sharp metal neared him, instinctively raising his arms as he shut his eyes, bracing himself for the worst. 

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