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"W-why are you here?" Kreek asked. "I always come here an hour after you leave, it's the only place that still has your warmth, faintly, but it's there", Tanqr replied, trying not to burst into tears in that moment. "Oh..', was all the brunette could say. Tanqr looked at the both of them, his heart shattering like glass, breaking into millions of shards at that scene.

"I-Is he... Is Vivian m-my replacement? D-Do you not l-love me anymore b-but rather him?" Tanqr asked softly, stuttering as his tone carried the sorrow he felt. Kreek didn't reply, not knowing how to, being the one who caused this just because of his blindness then. The brunette could see the hurt in his eyes, the tears brimming them and the unspoken emotions that he had once hidden beneath his mask.

"Nevermind, I understand. He's so much nicer-looking and a better person compared to me anyways. I'm sorry I interrupted the both of you. Kreek, I'm glad that you're happy now even.., even if it's not with me", Tanqr continued, breaking the silence as he forced a smile onto his face for the brunette before turning on his heels and flying away, tears streaming down his face and falling to the ground as he left, forgetting that now one more person knew who he was.

Snapping back to his senses, Kreek stood up. "I have to go, sorry Vivian", the brunette rushed, running away. Kreek could only think of one other place where Tanqr could be now, if he wasn't there, the brunette wouldn't know what to do after, how to continue.


Kreek stood outside Tanqr's house, trying to listen to any signs that he might be inside. Hearing soft wincing and quiet sobs followed by muffled banging, the brunette's heart raced faster. Kreek knocked on the door, hoping that Tanqr would respond. "I'm busy, go away", Tanqr called out from inside, turning his attention back to the bloodied knife in his hand, his voice laced with pain.

"Tanqr, it's me, Kreek", the brunette asked, "Can I please talk with you?" Silence followed that as Tanqr hesitated, part of him wanting to hear that sweet voice of his again and see the brunette that he still loved deeply but after what he recently saw, Tanqr didn't know how to respond. "Please, I just want to explain everything. If you still hate me after I understand", Kreek pleaded.

The brunette heard the faint sounds of shuffling of objects and the clinking of metal before the door opened, Tanqr standing before him. "I told you Kreek, I don't hate you. I'm glad that you have someone and are happy now", Tanqr stated before the brunette could say anything. "I-It's not what you think. I-I just thought he was you in that moment, h-he looked like you. I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't know what I was thinking", Kreek hurried, avoiding Tanqr's gaze as he looked at the ground

"You're the one that I love, Tanqr", the brunette added, finally looking up at Tanqr as the other didn't reply. A glimmer of hope sparked withing Kreek as he saw a small smile on Tanqr's face but just as quickly as it appeared, it vanished as Tanqr turned around. "I'm sorry Kreek, I-I just need some time", Tanqr replied, "You should go home, don't worry about it, I don't blame you in the slightest. I was the one who caused it. I shouldn't have let my guard down, let my emotions control my actions."

"No-", was all the brunette managed before he was cut off but the door closing, shutting him out once again. Silence filled the air after, Kreek falling onto the doorsteps with his knees brough up to his chest and his arms wrapped around them. Remaining in that position for a couple of minutes, the brunette stood up and left for home, tears threatening to spill.

Is this how our relationship would end? Is this the end? But.. I don't want it t be. If only.., If only I wasn't that blind then. You're such an idiot Kreek..

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