Welcome back Cinthia!

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5 months later.

I moved away to cape Town ,got an apartment and I'm now 7 months pregnant. Haven't heard from Chris and mom in law.ive been keeping contact with sister,friends and sister in law-Kisha. I didn't pass term 2 very well,I dropped. But I did good in term 3 and next year I'll be buying a newspaper checking my number. I've finished my exam and I'm going back to Pretoria. 3 months ago there has been a car following me around, I kinda feel safe but I've got some insecurities. I grow to miss Chris more every single day. Anele and Larry-my school friends are now dating and they are suited for each other. I'm now packing my bags,my bolt will get here any minute to the airport.

In few minutes it arrives and Pretoria here I come .

In Pretoria

I arrive and I missed this place. I go straight to kisha's apartment .I knock she opens.
Kisha:*screams* bitch why didn't you say you're coming!*we hug*
Me: I had to keep surprise
Kisha: wow ,you just made my day
Me:it's still early in the morning K..it's just 11 you still got a whole day to live.
Kisha: I just had a fight with Mike and he zoned off. I don't know where he went to
Me:ow I guess I really did make your day. So what's Poppin
Kisha: nothing much has changed really,it's just been boring without you
Me:ow well ke,I'm back. Chris?
Kisha:no think you need to see him yourself. He's no longer my Chris,your Chris
Me: what do you mean?
Kisha: Chris had amnesia,and with time he developed anger issues and went back to gangsterism. He's not Chris he's Slade.
Me: you mean if I were to pop at his place,he won't recognize me
Kisha: he won't,sorry. Still wanna see him?
Me:yeah..yes please
Kisha: let's go then.

We got in the car and left to his house. Huh still the same,nothing's changed. But it's dirty it's like a pig sty. We go straight to his bedroom,it's the only clean room in this house. He's on call ,but as soon as he sees us he drops it.
Chris:hey Kisha *he really is Slade,the voice, intimidating as ever and never smiles*and hello..?
Chris:owkay...how may I help you?
Kisha:I'll leave you two
Chris:are you seriously leaving me with a stranger?
Kisha: cinthia I'll be in the car..*she leaves and I get nervous*
Chris:and cinthia,got any business?
Me:ow no,I..I..I'm just a matriculant awaiting results.
Chris:then what are you doing here,coz I only meet for business.
Me:I just came to see you
Chris:for what?Tell me,why are you so familiar and this space just changed into some feeling I know of.

Me:well I..I don't know what to answer*looking away and folding my arms*
Chris: you know your name, I've been told about it a thousand times
Me:what they say?
Chris: that I have a wife but I don't know how to find her. I've sent out my boys to search for her and they told me they are following her. We haven't spoken though. *Ow this explains the car that's been following me*
Me: don't you have pictures of her or something?
Chris: I don't know, Kisha said I shouldn't force my memory by looking at pictures. I will damage my brain so I don't look at any pictures.
Me:what if I told you I know your wife and I know where she is?
Chris:look, I really don't care anymore*ouch", these days I've been asking if she really loves me why would she leave me and it gets me more angrier. I really want her back but just to ask her why she left me when I was weak. Why she left me in the first place. U swear if I were to see her,I'd strangle the answers out of her.
Me:whoa! Too much violence
Chris:look cinthia,I don't care! In fact leave! Leave with your stomach!
Me:okay okay...
Chris:I said leave!

I'm so frightened. I really want to tell Chris but yoh,I'm scared now. I'm not ready to die and I still got to take care of this baby.

Cinthia POV
Kisha took me to her apartment, I guess I'll be living here till...till what? I feel so bad,like why did I leave Chris especially since he was at hospitalI should have been there. fuck I'm such a fool
Kisha:ahh hello!
Me: ahh what!
Kisha:are you seriously letting me talk by myself?
Me:Kisha I shouldn't have left,he hates me now.
Kisha:no baby girl he don't hate ya,he's just angry
Me:Kisha he will kill me!
Kisha:what? No! He won't, Chris loves you
Me:like it's true...how am I gonna tell him I'm his wife,or I'm carrying his baby
Kisha:talking about the baby...you have to eat. You haven't eaten since we got here
Me:I just want to sleep,I'll eat later *I fold myself on the couch and sleep*

My arranged marriage: Cinthia ZuluWhere stories live. Discover now