Chapter 11 - Deathstroke

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Jason comes to, his arms hung and tied above his head. His arms are supporting his weight, his feet dangling a foot from the floor. His head is pounding, spinning a little as his head nods. The weight of his eyelids feels like cinderblocks. Everything comes back to him like a leak in a boat, slowly but fluidly. The panic starts to settle in again as the flash of Sam with the sword to her face, Deathstroke on the other end, hits him.

He looks around, seeing Sam tied to a second beam about ten feet away from him. She's dangling further from the ground than he is, her arms tied above her head and her head is hung. From where Jason is hanging, he can't make out if she's breathing or not and the every idea that she may not be, makes his head spin and his stomach nauseous.

"Sam?" Jason calls but he doesn't get a response. "Sam!" Jason raises his voice a little louder, trying to look around for any sign of Deathstroke or Dr. Light but he doesn't see either of them. "Sam!" Jason calls again, this time his voice breaking slightly. She isn't answering and he fights the rope holding him up, trying to free himself. He uses all of his strength to lift himself up, trying to get enough momentum to loosen the rope but it doesn't work. He does this a few times before he hears someone walk in from behind him.

Jason can see hints of light from over his shoulder and the sound of energy being used fills the, what seems to be, basement. The walking sounded off to Jason and now the use of energy does, too. It sounds muffled and at first, he thought it was because he was still just coming to but now he's thinking he took some real damage. But he pushes that thought away and Jason gets an idea. Dr. Light didn't like Jason making fun of him so all he has to do is keep talking. Get Dr. Light to come over to him. Jason can free himself and if he takes out Dr. Light right now, it'll be one less psycho to deal with. So, he looks at Sam once more and shakes his head, pushing the thought of her being dead as far away from his mind as possible so he can be annoying.

"Ah, Dr. Light." Jason calls out before gaining the energy to give up a chortle. "Did you come up with that shit by yourself or did your parents saddle you with that bullshit? I mean, come on, what a lame fucking name."

"Shut it!" Dr. Light yells, his voice already annoyed. Jason knows this guy stands no chance against him. He could do this for hours.

"What? Is my talking annoying you, dickweed?" Jason chortles once more. "Cause that's the thing," Jason's voice is breathy. "I can do it all day." Jason states as he hears Dr. Light moving towards him and he knows he's just won. "All night and if you're nice, twice on a Sunday." Jason finishes just as Dr. Light stands in front of him.

"I said, shut the fuck u--" Dr. Light starts but he's cut off as Jason kicks him in the lower abdomen.

Dr. Light curls over in pain and Jason doesn't let up. He kicks him a few more times, once in the chest and then in the face. The kick to the face gets Dr. Light to turn on his knees, his back towards Jason now. Jason wraps his leg around Dr. Light's neck and squeezes as hard as he can. It's taking every bit of energy Jason has to hold himself to do this but he knows he has to if he wants to get him and Sam out of here. So, he holds on and fights through the pain until he feels Dr. Light go limp.

"Night, night, asshole." Jason states with a slight relief in his voice.

He takes no time in dislocating his thumbs to free himself. It's not always ideal, it's not exactly comfortable to do but it's his only option. He pops the digits out of place and is able to free himself. He drops to the ground and pops the thumbs back into place before running over to Sam.

Jason cups her face, the panic pooling back in his stomach. "Sam? Come on, you gotta wake the fuck up." Jason mutters, shaking her head slightly. Jason peaks behind her, not seeing any sign of Deathstroke. "Please..." Jason shakes her head again, his brows furrowed and hands shaking. He doesn't even realize he's shaking. He just wants her to wake up. "Sammy." Jason's voice breaks as the burning behind his eyes becomes almost unbearable. "Wake up." His teeth grit between words.

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