Chapter 15 - Atonement

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A/n: I'm changing canon a bit so we see Jason again next chapter lol and you guys ever have a plot that's good in theory but in practice it's not fun? Cause that happened with this chapter! So, after getting some advice from my best friend, I dropped my Gar plot lol Sam seemed like SUCH an asshole and I did not want that. Gar seemed REALLY ooc and it was a chore to write so lol oops. It's fine, my main plot doesn't actually change that much but just wanted to let you guys know lol

 It's fine, my main plot doesn't actually change that much but just wanted to let you guys know lol

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Jason and Sam pause, looking at Dick. Jason looks a bit broken and defeated but Sam looks like she's about to throw Dick off the edge of the roof. After all of that, after they get kidnapped and permanently fucked up, now Dick is gonna take some type of responsibility for it. Jason is still limping a little, he thinks no one notices but Sam and Gar do. And now Dick is saying it's his fault. Where was he a week ago? Where was he fifteen minutes ago when everyone decided to attack Jason for something he didn't even do?

"Can you come inside? I'll explain everything." Dick asks and Sam looks to Jason.

Jason looks hopeless and tired. and he's quiet. Jason is anything but quiet. Maybe Sam should give it all a rest. Maybe it'd be easier if she agreed with Dick and let him say whatever he has to say and just be a silent form of comfort for Jason. But, Sam has never been very good at biting her tongue, even when she should. And especially, when someone she cares about is any type of pain.

Sam turns back around. "You've got to be fucking kidding me, right?" Sam snarls. "Jason nearly jumped off a roof and NOW you wanna take the blame for something?! Dick, literally what the fuck? Do you maybe wanna first tell the other Tirans they're fucking assholes because they're in there defending you so fucking hard that we're out here!!!! You're supposed to protect us! And now you wanna come clean about Deathstroke's son?!" Sam glares at him, her jaw squared and Jason is shielded right behind her. Her hands start to glow and acid leaks from her balled fists.

Jason reaches forward, resting his hand on her shoulder and squeezing. Jason's never had anyone defend him as hard as Sam does. He's not sure anyone has ever even cared that much about him. Her losing control of her powers in her sleep is one thing, but right now, she's wide awake but she's so mad at everyone that she's losing control of it. Jason isn't going to let her completely lose it, not over him even if it means more than he'll ever say. Sam looks back at him and Jason shakes his head, his eyes still glossy and red.

Sam wants to keep fighting. She's just so furious at everyone that it's like she can feel herself slipping into insanity. It's like the trauma of everything over the last few years is all coming to the surface in one go. Every ounce of anger she wasn't allowed to feel, is ranging back through the back of her throat. Her entire body feels like it's being thrown into the sun but she looks at Jason and it just...fades. Not completely because she thinks she'll be mad about this forever but it fades enough for her to take a breath because he doesn't wanther to fight Dick on this. The glowing of her hands fades and she opens and closes her fists a few times and bites her tongue, for Jason's sake.

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