"Red Stains" - Hermitcraft

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-Etho and Grian-
Category: angst
Warnings: alludes to suicidal ideology and self harm
Status: complete oneshot
Note: y'all this isn't even a little bit canon; I was making shit up and thought it turned out well.

Etho had never seen Grian's mansion before. Having spent the entire season alone, he never got the chance to talk to Grian. It never bothered him because they weren't all too close anyways. Still, he had heard of the beauty of the mansion: a tall and dark, yet somehow welcoming mansion; the hundreds upon hundreds of anvils used as railing; the massive diamond chandelier; it was shaping up to be one of the most impressive builds on the server. But as he stepped up to the towering staircase leading to the tall, dark mansion that loomed overhead, all he could think was how he wished he were seeing it on separate circumstances because maybe it would look a little more beautiful.
Etho took a sharp breath in before starting up the staircase. The night air was crisp, and every once in awhile a whist of wind would pass and send leaves with it. The rainforest was eerie at night. One must experience it to understand. The feeling of being watched never leaves, one might even admit that it gets worse as time passes. It feels as if the whole jungle is made of eyes, each of which are staring at you. The forest isn't even remotely quiet at night; however, it's a different kind of loud. It's not parrots and colourful birds and bugs, it's eerie screeching and random sounds from odd nocturnal animals no one ever sees.
As Etho reached the top of the staircase he pushed the massive doors of the house open, not stopping to knock even once. The doors gave a slight creak as they opened to reveal a dark room. Etho looked around. The candles and lanterns scattered around the once-beautiful room were put out. Papers were scattered all around; stacks of books and pens in a circle in one area, and items from chests spread out. Every chest was open, the only exception being the ender chest in the corner of the room. Etho tried to read a few papers that sat before him, but the writing on the papers was scratchy and hard to read.
The dim light from outside seemed to illuminate the room perfectly, because Etho could see quite well that in the middle of the room was Grian. He was hunched, and sitting facing away from the door, but Etho recognized the soft blonde hair and bright red sweater anywhere. He called out, "Grian?"
The figure didn't move.
The Canadian hermit was trembling as he stepped out of the doorway and towards Grian. The papers in the room swirled occasionally with the short breezes from outside as he walked carefully as to not damage anything important. Etho reached out a trembling hand and tapped Grian on the shoulder.
Grian whipped around; his breathing was heavy and his eyes wide. He stuttered, "Etho- Etho wh- why are you... why are you here?" Grian fumbled with the pen in his hand and the book on the floor, throwing the pen away from him and closing the book quickly. He muttered something under his breath.
Etho sat next to him, not answering his question but instead looking closer at the book. "What's that?" He asked, reaching for the leather-bound notebook in Grian's hand.
"DON'T TOUCH IT-" Grian screeched, smacking Etho's hand away from the book.
Etho winced, and pulled his hand back.
"S-sorry- I'm so- I- I'm really sorry- I-" Grian's hands were shaking quite violently.
Etho let out a shaky breath. "Are you okay, Grian?" He asked softly.
"Y-yeah yeah I'm fine- I'm fine- I- I just.." Grian couldn't keep a thought going, and stopped his sentence midway. Etho was lost for ideas. He slowly materialized his communicator and started typing a message to Grian's best friend, Mumbo.
"Etho?" Grian's voice was barely a whisper.
"Can you not tell anyone?"
It was an odd request, but Etho deleted the message and dematerialized the screen. "Grian... what's going on, man? You're not usually such.. you're usually so organized and social." Etho moved to be sitting in front of the small hermit. "No one's seen you in months; Mumbo is getting really worried." His voice was laced with concern as he spoke.
"I- I'm n- I just-" Grian stuttered, his voice cracking slightly halfway through.
"You don't have to talk if you don't want to, Gri." Etho gently touched Grian's hand. He looked up at Etho, and finally, Etho got a good look at his face. Grian's normally vibrant and sparkly eyes were now dull and dark, and he looked extremely pale.
"When was the last time you slept?" Etho asked. Grian looked down at the floor. "You shouldn't be staying awake for long periods of time, man. It's really bad for your health." Etho gently lifted Grian's chin to examine his face better. There were small cuts on different areas of his skin; probably old wounds he never healed.
"H- how did you- how did you know-?" The hermit's face contorted in confusion.
Etho traced a finger underneath Grian's eyes. "Bags." Grian gave a small smile in response, but his demeanor remained largely the same.
"Why are you here, Etho?" Grian asked suddenly, his expression taking a 180 and flipping as his face darkened.
"What do you mean by that?" Etho was taken aback by the sudden change.
"I mean: why are you here? You never visit me; we hardly talk; and of all people to come and see me after months, you're the person? It's odd." Grian paused. "I- I don't mean that it's a bad thing, I just expected Mumbo, or someone I talk to more." The two sat in silence after the comment as Etho tried to think of a response. Etho's eyes drifted to the book in Grian's lap. The young hermit was tracing circles on the soft leather cover with his fingernail. Etho was fairly curious what was in the book. He didn't want to see anything that others didn't want him to, but Grian's reaction to Etho getting close to it was... shocking, to say the least. It had to be really bad for Grian to act so harshly to anyone; let alone someone with whom he hardly talks. The cover was quite beautifully crafted, as well. The cover was a deep brown, with sharp carvings in the leather and a slight tint of red in some areas of the carving. It was mostly random from Etho's perspective; but he was sure it meant something to Grian. Though, it's what's inside the book that matters, no? Nevertheless, he wouldn't bother Grian about it, as he saw how the hermit reacted to him trying to touch it.
"You can read it if you really want to, Etho." Grian spoke softly. He had noticed Etho staring at the book.
"No, I couldn't. You clearly didn't want me to earlier, so I'm not going to read it if you don't genuinely want me to." Etho rejected the offer. He was so so curious, but he knew better than to disrespect a hermit's privacy.
"No, seriously. I need someone to read it. I don't think I could say any of it aloud, but I want- no, need someone to know." Grian admitted. Etho looked from Grian to the book- Grian, book, Grian, book- this repeated quite a few times before Grian got fed up and shoved the book into Etho's hands. "Read it."
Etho opened the book shakily to the first page. It was covered in scribbles and scratchy writing. The written words were confusing at first, but later Etho would come to realize what it meant. As he flipped through the pages of the book, the meaning of it all became ever apparent to him. Scattered throughout the chaos and darkness were pages detailing how the hermit felt toward himself. He described a feeling of being trapped. He had quite strong negative feelings toward himself. He explained something which Etho would not ever think about detailing to another hermit, let alone doing himself. Etho realized why the cover was stained red.
"Grian..?" Etho looked up from the book.
"I'm sorry. I- I'm just- im just so sorry that I- uhm- I- w- I just," Grian's eyes were filled with glistening tears. Etho discarded the book and opened his arms, offering comfort to the young hermit. Grian practically leapt at Etho, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and neck; Grian practically melted when Etho gently squeezed him. For the first time in a long time, Grian let it all go. He let out choked sobs and soft whimpers into Etho's jacket. Etho, unsure how to help the situation, hugged Grian close and allowed him to let it out.
Etho could feel the tears soaking through his fleece jacket; but he could hardly care at this moment. He began to run his fingers through Grian's blonde hair, fixing a few knots and renewing the soft waves. After a while, Etho became wildly aware of the more aggressive winds coming from behind Grian. He came to realize that upon entering the mansion, he had neglected to close the doors.
"Grian i have to go close the doors." Etho whispered. Grian sat back from Etho, shifting out of the latter's lap with a small apology. Etho dismissed it with a, "We'll talk in a moment." He swiftly stepped over the aforementioned mess of paper and items spread out across the floor and closed the doors. It was nearly pitch black when he did so, prompting him to light a few lanterns and torches around him. He mentally applauded Grian for his lovely choice in soul lanterns and torches alike, as they added a nice touch the the room which he had yet to see in its complete glory.
As he went around the room lighting torches, he bummed a small tune to himself. Grian still sat motionless on the floor if not for his fidgeting with the book which Etho had previously discarded. Etho made his way to the fireplace in the middle-back wall of the mansion. He lit the fireplace and yet again noted the soul fire that now blazed ever so elegantly before him. The blue flames danced and licked at the iron bars that contained them, itching to get out and ruin the room with a simple breeze.
Etho removed the papers from the area.
He then turned to look at Grian who was writing something in the book. He appeared to be writing quite nicely and neatly. Etho stepped over to the young hermit.
"Can I see?" He asked. Grian looked up in surprise and responded, "Sure. I don't mind." Etho crouched down next to him and read as the other wrote. He was writing about Etho coming to visit and reading the book. He watched intently for about a minute or two before Grian paused and looked up.
"Etho I'm scared."
"What of?"
The two simply looked at each other for but a moment before Grian spoke again.
"You saw what I wrote in this book. You know what I did. You must understand. I'm scared of myself and what I might do." Grian gave Etho a helpless expression. He must have known how little Etho could actually have done.
"Grian, I want to help. I really do, but there's nothing I can do. The best person I could think to go to is Xisuma. I don't know exactly what he could do for you, but I'm sure there's something." Etho admitted. "For the moment, though, is there anything that I could do?"
"Stay with me." Grian didn't really ask; one could consider it to have been an offer, some would say it was a command. Either way, Etho accepted. The two sat together for the rest of the night as the wind howled outside the mansion and the fire crackled softly in front of them. They did not stay up long, and purely just enjoyed the happiness as Grian slept on Etho's shoulder and Etho rested on Grian. For the first time in a long time he felt safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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