"Late Nights" - DSMP

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-Tubbo and Ranboo-
Category: angst, then mild fluff
Warnings: venting
Status: complete oneshot
Note: this shit makes NO SENSE I'm so sorry, it's the first oneshot I ever wrote so it's not great and the vent portion is.. confusing???? Enjoy haha please don't flame me. ALSO IM NOT SHIPPING THEM PLEASE DONT CANCEL ME

Tubbo grabbed a hair tie and looked up to the clock above the table, then glanced down at the half-folded clothing on the table in front of him. He had been trying to finish folding the laundry for what felt like several hours, but could only be slightly less than a single hour. He couldn't remember if it was a half hour or two hours before that he had sent Michael to bed. Carefully, he tied his hair as much into a ponytail as it gets so it wasn't in his eyes. Tubbo hadn't heard the door to the house open, at least not consciously. He only realized that it had when he felt arms wrap around his waist. "Hey Bee." Is it really that late? Tubbo thought as he took a better look at the clock.
"Hey boss-man." Tubbo smiled softly as his husband looked at the table in front of him.
"Are you okay?" Ranboo asked as Tubbo began to fold once again.
"Of course I am, why?"
"You fold the laundry when you're upset."
Tubbo frowned. "No.. no I don't." Tubbo tried to deny it.
Ranboo laughed lightly. "You so do. Why else would you be up so late? You're usually asleep when I get home."
"I am?" Tubbo hadn't realized how long it had been since he had been awake for Ranboo's arrival.
"Mhm." Ranboo hummed softly. "I just want to make sure you're okay, Tubbo. We're meant to look out for each other."
Tubbo nodded. "I'm okay. Well, I think I'm okay. I've been worrying quite a bit recently.."
"It's natural to worry, what is it you're worried about?" Ranboo questioned.
"Everything. This pathetic charade of marriage. This was a marriage of convenience, do we even actually love each other?" Tubbo began, showing frustration in his body language. "I like pretending to be a spoilt prince, but at the end of the day I could never be your prince when I'm so fucking ugly. You could never be my knight in shining armour because you're so mentally damaged, that your mind shatters at the slightest sign of conflict. In the end it all falls to me. I don't know why we bother if we're both so mentally damaged that we have to hide in our country far from everyone else to avoid conflict." He vented. Ranboo stood in silence, hearing him out. "Sometimes I consider just giving up. Running away to a place no one will ever find me and starting a new life. Living alone in a forest and never having to face any of my problems again. Then I get slapped with cold hard reality and remember that I could never do that to you, or Michael, or Tommy. I'm so broken, I'm like a disk. Once I'm broken that's it. The only solution is getting a new one." Tubbo finished venting all of the things he had been meaning to tell his husband for months, some things had been waiting years to come out.
Ranboo stood silently, processing all of the information that had been handed to him like a baton hand off.
"I'm sorry, I- I shouldn't just throw things like that at you like this.." Tubbo apologized quietly.
"No it's okay. You needed to let it out and I'm here for you. I'm glad you told me these things. I care about you, Tubbo. While our marriage was of convenience in the beginning, I know I feel different from then. You don't need to be my prince, just as much as I don't need to be your knight in shining armour. What we have now works for us." Ranboo countered, not telling tubbo that he's wrong but still allowing him to view the other side.  "We have our flaws and need to work on accepting them, but to begin with, you're not ugly at all. Maybe in your eyes you are, but when I look at you I see something amazing. You're not perfect, but that doesn't give you any less value. Your scars aren't the most perfect, but they show that you went through something horrible and you're still here. That's amazing. You know that you're my best friend. You know that you mean the world to me. There's no way you don't know, because I tell you all the time. No matter what I'll always be here for you. To talk, or just for comfort, I will always be right here." Ranboo was never good at impromptu deep conversations, so he hoped nothing came out wrong.
Tubbo turned and looked up at ranboo, his electric blue eyes full of tears.
"Whoa whoa whoa I'm sorry- I.. I didn't mean to make you cry, what did I say..?" Ranboo asked, his voice laced with worry.
"No no, it's a good cry. You didn't say anything wrong I just.. I needed that." Tubbo smiled. Ranboo wiped his husband's tears gently, pulling him into a soft hug afterwards.
"I love you so much." Tubbo mumbled.
"I love you too, Bee."

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