chapter 5

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"I don't know what to tell you Draco," I sigh and place my head in my hands.
Draco, who's sat across the table from me leans forward and whispers, "Is it to do with Potter?"

I immediately sit up.

"Excuse me?" I hiss at him.
He only shrugs and takes a sip of his dark, black coffee.
"I mean why else won't you go out with Theodore," he sighs, "he's not bad looking is he? I mean I know I'm a man but, come on...I'm not blind."

I scoff, "Alright, Draco."
"Then tell me what it is!"
"Well," I hesitate and take a bite from the crumpet sitting on the plate before me, "I mean I hardly know the guy. I mean sure, I guess you could say he's what you'd call 'stereotypically handsome' but I'm not just going to date some random dude I hardly know."
"I guess you'll just have to get to know me better then."

I freeze in my place. I don't even bother turning around as I already know who said it.
Theodore Nott sits down beside me.
"Hi Theodore," I smile hoping he only heard so much.
"Call me Theo," he grins at me.

"Okay,"  I say awkwardly and nod, ashamed that I feel flustered, "I need to ask a friend something about...homework really quick I'll be right back I promise."
And with that, I get up and slowly walk away trying to find someone, anyone, I know and can sit with.

That's when I spot Hermione, Ron and what I think is Ginny Weasley, Ron's sister but no Harry.
Odd, but I'm also not complaining.
I quickly rush over to their table and sit myself down next to Ron. He gives Hermione and his sister a look before turning to me. He opens his mouth but Hermione beats him to it.

"Y/n!" she smiles but I can tell it's put on a bit, "what's up?"
"I'm so sorry I don't mean to intrude but Malfoy's trying to set me up with Theodore Nott and he came over while we were talking and I panicked and came over here," I explain, half looking at them and half looking at Theo and Draco.

"Theo Nott?!" the ginger-haired girl exclaims and I furrow my brow at her in confusion, "Sorry, but I mean...have you seen him?"
"Ginny, right?" I laugh and she nods, "Well Ginny, I don't really know him that well and besides I don't really think I'm mentally ready enough to date."
"Not even to hook up with? I mean he seems like the type of guy who would-"
"Ginny!" Ron interrupts his sister and looks at her with disgust, "May I remind you I am still here!"
"Oh shove it Ron you've said way worse around me before," she rolls her eyes.

Hermione and I laugh as the siblings continue to bicker.
"In all seriousness though, would you be opposed to a hookup?" she asks.
"Hermione Granger, are you asking me to hook up with you?" I joke.
"Nooo, oh sorry," she says, "asking for a friend."

"Really? Who?" I laugh.

Just then, someone clears their throat and we all look to see Harry standing in front of us.

"Harry," Hermione says.

"Can I join you?" he asks.
I expect Hermione to answer instantly with a yes but she turns around to look at me and then hesitates.

Just before she can say anything, something else interrupts her.
We watch as students flood out of the dining hall and into the corridor.

"Pardon me Professor but what exactly are you insinuating?" I can hear Umbridge's squeaky voice say and we get out of our seats and walk outside to find her and McGonagal ascending the stairs.
"I am merely requesting that when it comes to my students you conform to the prescribed disciplinary practises," McGonagall says, angrily.
"So silly of me but it sounds as if you're questioning my authority in my own classroom, Minerva," Umbridge takes a step up, trying to assert dominance.

"Not at all, Dolores," McGonagall snarls taking two steps up to be on Umbridge's level, "merely your medieval methods."
Umbridge looks taken aback as if this wasn't true, "I am sorry, dear but to question my practices is to question the Ministry and by extension, the Minister himself. I am a tolerant woman but the one thing I will not stand for is disloyalty."

McGonagall takes one step down.
"Disloyalty," she calmly utters.

Umbridge takes yet another step up.
"Things at Hogwarts are far worse than I feared. Cornelius will want to take immediate action."


"Oh please come Y/n it'll be so good," George pleads me.
"For the last time George, I don't want to go to that party," I sigh, "besides I doubt they'd let a ravenclaw into the Gryffindor common room."

"If that's what you're worried about I can assure you loads of houses are going," Fred tells me, "well, all the cool ones at least."
"Okay fine but I just-"

"Nope, stop right there. I heard an 'okay fine' so looks like our work here is done Freddie," George smiles.
"Perfect! We'll see you at 7, Y/n!" Fred grind as the pair walk away before I can tell them they in fact wont be seeing me at seven.

I sigh and continue down the corridors on my way to potions. My thoughts now racing.
Much like someone else as they barge into me at a colossal speed that nearly wiped me out.

"Sorry," Harry Potter says but doesn't stop for long as he continues on his way to our next class.
I don't know why he's running as we're not even-

Oh shit.


I am late.


I finally step into the classroom, out of breath after sprinting down the corridors narrowly dodging some 6th years slowly wandering down to breakfast for their first period.

"Sorry I'm late sir I-"
"Whatever it is I can assure you I don't want to hear it Miss L/n. Five points from ravenclaw," Snape drawls and I groan, "go and find ur seat."

Slowly, I trudge over to my place and sit down next to Harry. He turns to look at me.
"What," I hiss, already put in a bad mood.
"Nothing," he says and turns to face his parchment.


Luckily, we don't have to do much today as it's just taking notes of our previous experiments meaning that I don't have to make awkward small talk with Harry.

Unfortunately, he doesn't quite follow this.

"So," he says, stopping writing and looking at me, twiddling with his quill, "are you coming to the Gryffindor party tonight?"
I look at him in confusion, "why?"

"I was just asking," he says, annoyance laced in his tone, "I was just wondering if I'd have to brace myself for watching you and Nott making out."

"Why? You jealous, Potter."

"No!" Harry looks embarrassed his cheeks now turning a slight shade of pink, "I was just-"
"Just," I place my fingers to my lips and make a soft shushing noise.

Harry grits his teeth and continues with his writing. I feel slightly bad.

"I might go," I say and he stops writing but doesn't look at me, "just if i can find something to wear or not and if I can even be bothered."
"Nice," he says, "then, see you there?"

"You wish Potter," I smirk.

Although he's still looking at his paper, i can still see a hint of a smile on his face.



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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