chapter 4

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(harry pov)

I walk to potions class the next day my hand still throbbing with pain from detention.
"Potter," Snape says as I walk in, "you'll be partners with Miss L/n this year. Go stand by her."
Great. Of course, I get stuck with her.

I huff in annoyance and dump my bag in the corner before walking over to wear Y/n is sitting.
"Hey, I'm not too thrilled to be put with you either but no need to make that face," she says to me.
"Let's just get this over with," I grumble.
"Gladly," she says.

"Today, we will be making a draught of peace," Snape drones on, "turn to page 13 and follow the instructions. You have half an hour."

Y/n flicked open her book and began to read the instructions. She pushes her hair behind her ear, revealing half of her face and I can't help but stare. As much as I don't like her, I can help but admit she's quite pretty. She looks up at me.
"What?" she asks.
"Nothing," I say and quickly shake my head.

"Alright," she says sceptically, "well it says here we need powdered moonstone, syrup of hellebore, powdered porcupine quills, and powdered unicorn horn. I'll get the ingredients and you set up the equipment, okay?"

I nod my head and watch as she leaves to go to the equipment cupboard. She takes out things one by one carefully getting the right ingredients in different bowls. Just then, Malfoy approaches her. She looks at him and smiles.
They talk for a bit and she giggles at him a few times.

I scoff.

I tear my eyes away from the pair and set the cauldron on the stove which I light on fire with my wand. I also get out the chopping board, the knives, the pestle and mortar.
Y/n soon rejoins me and places the ingredients on the table.

"I didn't know you were friends with Malfoy," I tell her reaching for the moonstone and crushing it in the mortar.
"Yeah, my uncle's really good friends with his mum," she says, "not that it's any of your business."
"He's still an asshole," I say brushing the powdered moonstone into the now bubbling cauldron.

"Yeah, you're not much better mate," she scoffs, measuring the syrup out and drizzling it in as the book says, "at least Malfoy's nice to me."

I'm interrupted by Y/n before I can defend myself.
"What's on your hand?" she asks.
I look at my hand which I was using to sprinkle in the powdered porcupine quills.
"Nothing," I say.

But that answer doesn't seem to be good enough for her because she snatches my hand and reads the words cut into my skin. Her face falls.
I pull my hand back and she looks at me.
"What?" I ask.
She shakes her head, her eyes now slightly teary, "nothing. Let's carry on with this."

She lowers her head, her hair now covering her face and begins to cut up the unicorn horns to crush, and we continue the rest of the potion in silence.


"Potter," I try to ignore his voice, "Potter."
Malfoy is now standing in front of me which is making it a lot harder for me to ignore him.
"I thought I told you to stay away from me," I grumble.
"What did you say to L/n?" he asks.

"She was fine at the start of potions and then she spends an hour with you and she's sad again," he tells me, "don't you think she's been through enough shit without you pissing her off."
"I don't have time for this," I mutter and push past Malfoy.

He grabs my arm. My anger levels rise.

"Stay away from her, okay?" he snarls, "you don't want to know what my family is capable off."
"Malfoy I couldn't give a shit about wanting to hurt her now piss off," I shove my arm out of his grasp and storm off.

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