chapter 2

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"WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DO YOU WANT?" Cedric yelled confidently.
"Kill the spare," the creature whispered to Wormtail.

A flash of green light.

I could hear my voice scream, "CEDRIC NO!"
But it felt strange. As if I wasn't the one screaming...

      ⚡︎ ⚡︎ ⚡︎ ⚡︎ ⚡︎  end of flashback  ⚡︎ ⚡︎ ⚡︎ ⚡︎ ⚡︎

My eyes flicker open.
I sigh sit up in my bed and bury my face in my hands.

My face is all wet.
I've been crying in my sleep again.

I turn to my bedside table and pick up my glasses so I can check the time.



I get up and walk to my wardrobe. I throw on some jeans and a t-shirt and head downstairs.
I'm not feeling all that hungry at the minute so I decided to skip breakfast and go on a walk to try and distract my mind.

There's this park I recently discovered this summer. Since I'm not a kid anymore, I just kinda sit on the swings and read the new crap the daily prophet print about Dumbledore and me.

It's quite addicting actually.

So I put on my converse, grab the paper and head up to the park. It's pretty empty, which is what you'd expect for half 7 in the morning but there's still a few kids and their parents.

This one boy on the roundabout catches my eye. He looks a bit grumpy as his mum tries to beckon him away.
"Come on we have to go home," she says in a sweet voice sticking her hand out for the boy to take, "come on love off you get!"

He begrudgingly steps off and takes his mother's hand and I watch as they walk off together, hand in hand.

I can't help but feel jealous of the boy.
He's so lucky to have a mother and yet he doesn't even know it.
I look down at my feet and kick the dirt.

I hear laughter come from ahead of me so I look up and sure enough there's Dudley and his little gang of friends standing right in front of me.

"Hey big D," I say to him, "beat up another 10 year old?"
"This one deserved it," he says back earning a small, "yeah," from his friends.

They're so pathetic.
"5 against 1, very brave," I mutter sarcastically.

"Well, you're one to talk!" Dudley retorts, "moaning in your sleep every night? At least I'm not afraid of my pillow!"
His friends laugh.

I exhale a sharp breath.
Stay calm.
Stay calm.

"Don't kill Cedric!" he continues attempting to imitate me.

I grit my teeth and clench my fists so hard to the point where my nails dig into my skin.

"Who's Cedric?" he asks in a tone that makes me assume he doesn't care about the answer, "is he your boyfriend?"

"Shut up," I say in a less confident tone.

Happy thoughts, Harry.
Happy thoughts.

"He's going to kill me, mum!" Dudley mimics again, "Where is your mum? Where is your mum Potter? Is she dead?"

That's it. That's where I draw the line.

His friends laugh loudly as he continues to shout, "is she dead potter?"

I leap to my feet and without thinking, I run up to Dudley pointing my wand at this throat.
His demeanour immediately changes.
But his friends continue to laugh as if it's the most hilarious thing in the world.

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