Chapter 6

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Ebony POV:

Ebony was perched on the Storm Tree. She was enjoying the view as the others started feasting on the scraps of a warthog under the tree because she wasn't hungry. A jolt of pain flashed in her forhead- she gave a screech of pain and collapsed.

Wild dogs were closing up on Exquisite and Artful. They are dead. Blood is everywhere. The was savannah all shrivelled up and grey.

Ebony gave a gasp and woke up "EBONY!" one of her flock mates cried, swatting her with his wing. "Oh my god," Ebony yelped. "Silverbeak I gotta go!" She yelled, flapping her wings, and disappeared.


Exquisite watched as Artful slowly devoured a tiny ground squirrel he had caught. They were on their rock again, which now they called home. They had managed to dig a hole that went under the enormous stone. "Do you smell that?" the cheetah asked, looking around. Something stinks. "A lot." 

"Mhmph," Artful grunted. "Probably just the food,"

Suddenly there was a howl and following barks. Artful dropped the ground squirrel with a snarl and it got swallowed by a spotted wild dog within a second. "RUN!" Exquisite started to yell, but more of the ferocious canines had come out of the bushes and had then circled. "KILL THEM!" the smallest one cackled, and they pounced at them. "STOP!" Artful roared with a tone that was so commanding that some of the wild dogs paused and looked back at their leader. Exquisite leaped back and hissed. She then pounced on one, scratched at its eye, bit another one's leg, and nearly bit off its ear. Artful was having a harder time. Usually fighting in packs of more that twenty lions, mostly not getting involved, was crouched, snapping at a wild dog. The dog just gave a laugh and lunged at him. Was this the end??? Suddenly, knife-sharp talons caught its scruff and lifted it into the air. The wild dog gave a howl of pain. Artful lifted his head to see who that was- "EBONY!" he shouted with glee, bouncing up and down in the air. Exquisite paused fighting and turned to the vulture, distracted, and was quickly pinned down by the leader. Despite her strong size, the wild dog was pretty strong, and held her there. "HEY!" Ebony shouted. "Leave the Lightning Kit alone!" She swooped on the leaders snout and pecked at her eyes. The canine gave a howl of pain and ran.

"Thank you," Exquisite mewed. "So I've got a nickname now, do I?"

"You are the Lightning Kit," she said to Exquisite, "And you are The Fire Cub."

Artful laughed. "You?" he said.

"I don't have one,"

"I'll call you the Chick of Destiny,"

"Uh, sounds cheesy, but I'll accept if you call me 'The vulture of destiny'

"Sure, that's not bad,"

Yay :)

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