Chapter 12

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Birch POV:

The tiny alligator cowered in the corner of their 'den.' His caregivers Artful and Exquisite were on their rock, having a conversation. He slowly crawled out of the tunnel, his tiny claws grasping tightly on the loose, brown dirt. "Rrrryurble!" Birch gurgled to Artful and Exquisite. "Good Afternoon, Birch!" Exquisite purred affectionately. "Me and Artful were just discussing hunting lessons for you!" 

Birch tilted his head. Hunting lessons? Seriously? He could do that already! He could hunt! Or could he..? "Fineee," he grumbled. He had learnt that word from a dung beetle he had been studying yesterday. "You've been learning rather a lot of words these days Birch," Artful exclaimed innocently. Hm. I wonder why, Birch thought, amused. Suddenly, he heard a small rustle in the bushes behind them. He sniffed the scent of the air. Oh no. Cheetah! It didn't smell like Exquisite, he was sure, but more like a mix of blood, dirt, and ground bones. He have a terrified squeak and tried to warn the felines. "CHEETAH! HIDING TO ATTACK! GETS TO FIGHT! IN GRASS!" was all he could squeak out. It was enough. Artful and Exquisite stood up and scanned the grass quickly. The lion picked Birch up, gently but quickly and tense, and dropped him in the hole. "I smell it," he growled softly to Birch. "Don't go anywhere," 

"A solitary male cheetah!" Exquisite growled. There was suddenly another unfamiliar hiss. Artful roared in anger. Birch hurriedly buried himself in the dirt as he waited for the fight to be finished and won.

Nobody POV:

The male cheetah hissed and pounced to Artful. The lion dodged his blow and swiped at him. "STOP!" Exquisite yowled. The cheetah ignored her and carried on hitting Artful. Finally, he pounced on the lion and growled in his face. Exquisite bowled into him and pinned him down angrily. "What the heck?!" she said angrily.

"," the cheetah wheezed. "...from a...lion,"

"We where having a very excellent conversation before you attacked, thank you very much,"

"But... lion..."

" Be thankful that I didn't kill you, I'll give you another chance," she backed off the cheetah.

The male smiled. "I'm Light, if your wondering," and sped off into the savannahs.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2023 ⏰

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