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"hey mum I'm home" i called from the front door.
"oh, hi honey, how was your day?" she replied
"it was good i had two exams."
"that's good."
"yea- wait did you make cookies."
"yep, would you like some."
"of coarse, I'll even make the tea."
"oh and honey, get your dad and siblings"
i started up the stairs then at the top was a hallway with 7 doors and knocked on each of the doors along the way i have 6 siblings, yep 6. as i knocked i got a lot of
'go away'
'I'm busy'
 and 'not now'
but i ignored all of them standing at the end of the hallway and yelled
all the doors flung open and it was like a stampede i just chuckled and shook my head. and slowly walked down the hallway stopping at the top of the stairs Ellie accidently stood on Bella's foot and then they all tripped down the stairs i winced a little and then walked down and past them still on the floor groaning trying to get off each other and headed to the office. i wasn't worried about the others because the was no tears so i walked the other way. i opened the office door
"hey dad" i said quietly.
"hello sweetheart, how are you?" dad replied
"good, how about you"
"tired but overall good"
"that's good to hear"
"so what's up?"
"oh, right mum made cookies"
"that sound delicious"
"yeah better hurry before there all gone"
we walked out of the office to the kitchen where everyone was sitting laughing around the island bench.
<time skip>
i was sitting in my room at my desk with homework sheets stacked everywhere 
i laid my head on the desk and quickly drifted off to sleep.

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