Izura's deal with Cthulhu, Cartoon Cat and Cartoon Dog

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At Takoba Municipal Beach Park, people are back to using it and at night, a female of the age of twenty-four went missing there making William to be suspicious as another twenty-something year-old woman had went missing there as well the next night making him to have Grand Orca to help him out with this one as it's weird making it to be very weird.

The next night and another one went missing and then now it's nighttime and a twenty-five year-old female went for a late night swim when she got pulled under and no one had noticed anything as she didn't bring anything with her as she used her friend's Quirk to get there for a late skinny dipping swim.

But she didn't think she would be pulled under the water by something as her legs were spread wide and four long tube-like tube were pushed into her making her to gasp as something forced a thousand needles into her nipples making her to feel the liquid going into them and making her to feel hot there.

This was all before something latched onto her there and started to push and pull on her nipples. The thrusting's going too fast before something latched onto her mouth and nose making her to be able to breath, but no one will be able to hear her as she can't see under the water making it even worse for her.

And she also can't hear anything as if something's blocking it out and then four more was thrusted into her as it's in her bum. Her arms were forced behind her back and she then felt something sucking on her clit as the tip of it was circling in between the folds making her to not handle it.

She can feel something being pushed into her that's solid like one big egg as the four became one in her making her to have one egg inside of her womb. She felt the thrusting in her bum making her to not like it as the heat in her breast isn't helping her out that much either as the pushing and pulling changed.

Something's thrusting into her nipples making the heat to be getting too much as it's very many small things before it became one huge one in one go. It's making her to hate this as she felt sucking between her legs as something's sucking on the entrance of her womb and the sucking on her clit's still happening.

She wiggles as she tries to push the egg out, but it didn't work as something's pushing against her chest making her to stop as she feels something building up inside of her breast. This is making it to be gathering faster as the thrusting went up and down against her as she's an natural H 48 Cup making her to hate this.

Something sphere shaped was pushed into her nipple and then against the top of her nipple making it to keep whatever's thrusting into her nipple from leaving as it's moving in a much more rapid speed. The rapid speed it's thrusting into her nipples with were making the building up to be too fast for her to handle it as she comes making her to feel like there's lava in her womb now.

The sucking on her clit and the rotating circle between her folds isn't helping her as it's still making her to be coming from all of this. And this is before she felt huge blobs being pushed into her nipples as it makes her chest to be pushed up as she's in a 'standing position' underwater by whatever has a hold of her fully under the water.

It's making her to be bouncing from this as it's making her breast to be lifted up a bit by the thing. It's making her back to bend and then a gigantic blobs are being shot straight into her breasts as she's being held by her wrist from behind with the trusting still happening in her bum as fuses together to make a big one again.

It doesn't stop as her breasts are now starting to hurt as her breast increase in size fastly. All because of whatever's being pushed into her breast making her to feel the building up getting even worser before the thrusting went back making her to hate this before something opens up inside her nipple and one gigantic blob got pushed into her breast.

Izura Afton, Lolbit's soul (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now