[1] street dogs

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street dogs

Hollywood, 1995

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Hollywood, 1995

"𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐙𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐆𝐔𝐘𝐒!" Eve cheered the boys standing up from the stool she was sitting on, and clapping her hands. Eve was happy that the band are going to play in the Orpheum Theater, it has been their dream and her seeing their dreams come true makes her happy.

"Thank you, Eve!" Reggie winked at the girl which made her roll her eyes playfully.

"Too bad we wasted that on the sound check, that's the tightest we've ever played!" Bobby says giving Luke a fist bump.

"Oh, wait until tonight, when this place gets packed with record execs." Luke beamed looking around the Orpheum, his eyes meet Eve's and he gives her a small smile.

"Alex, you did really good." Eve complimented him.

"Oh no. I was just warming up. These boys here were the ones on fire." Alex points at the three boys.

"Could you just own your awesomeness of once?" Reggie says, Eve nods at his words "What he said."

"All right, I was killing it." Alex admitted with a smile on his face.

"I'm thinking we fuel up before the show. I'm thinking street dogs."

Eve's eyebrow furrowed knowing she hates hot dogs. "Why hot dogs?" The four boys jumped off the stage walking towards Eve.

"Because they are good, come on Eve you don't have to eat it." Luke puts an arm around her shoulder which made her pull his arm off her because of how much he was sweating.

"Fine, hot dogs it is." Eve looks at the rest of the boys to see them walking towards a curly-haired girl that's wiping down the tables.

"Hey, Bobby, where you going?" Luke asked following Bobby as the others follow behind.

"I'm good. Vegetarian. I could never hurt an animal." Bobby tries to flirt which made Eve chuckle.

"You guys are really good." The girl told the boys which made them all smile. "I see a lot of bands. been in a couple myself. I was really feeling it."

"Thank you, That's what we do this for. I'm Luke, by the way." Luke introduced himself leaning against the table. Eve scoffed at him. The rest of the boys introduced themself as Eve was behind them not saying a word.

"Nice meeting you guys. I'm Rose."

"Oh, here's our demo." Reggie hands her a CD "And a T-shirt. Size beautiful." He hands her a sunset curve shirt.

Luke was about to say something before Eve cuts in. "So sorry Rose but I'm really hungry right now and the boys want some hot dogs so we gotta go." Eve winks at Bobby knowing he will stay since he is a vegetarian.

"He had a hamburger for lunch." Luke whisper to Rose. Eve grabbed Luke's hand and pulled him away, Reggie and Alex followed behind.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Luke exclaimed pushing the exit door open, the cold air made the girl get goosebumps on her arm.

"The smell of sunset boulevard?" Alex asked.

Luke nudges the blonde hair boy "No. It's what that girl said in there tonight about our music, all right? it's like an energy. It connects us with people."

"I always feel connected to your guys' music." Eve confessed.

"Awwwwww." Reggie puts his hand over his heart. "this is why you're our favorite."

"See! I want that connection with everybody." Luke has always made known how much he wants everyone to hear their music and feel connected with it.

Eve is watching the boys as they are silently putting toppings on their hotdog.

"Luke, can you get me a hotdog with no mus-"

"Mustard, got it." He replied knowing what she likes and doesn't like. Luke and Eve have been friends since they were seven when they first met Luke would always bother her in school, she use to play alone as the other kids played with their friends, and one day he came up to her asking her a lot of questions about her bracelet or if she likes music which made Eve annoyed because he wouldn't leave her alone but ever since that day, they have always been together.

Luke hands her the hot dog and she mutters thank you. The group walked toward the couch that is pushed near a wall.

The boys sat on the couch, the couch was a little small for Eve to fit so she sits on Luke's lap.

She leans against his chest as he puts one arm around her waist and the other holding the hot dog on her lap. Luke bites his lips looking like he is in his thoughts. "This is awesome, you guys. We're playing The Orpheum! I can't even count how many bands have played here and then ended up being huge."

Luke's words made Reggie and Alex smile. "We're gonna be legends. Eat up, boys." Luke put his hot dog up. Eve let's out a low cough making Luke glance at her "And girls. Cause after tonight, everything changes"

The group cheered and starts biting into the hot dog. Eve almost gagged on how gross the hot dog tasted.

"I don't think this is how a hot dog is supposed to taste..." Eve trails off slowly chewing on the hotdog.

Alex nods agreeing with Eve. "Chill, Eve. Street dogs haven't killed us yet." Reggie replied, Eve shrugs and bites into her hotdog again.



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