Banana Shot Kill

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It was a dark and stormy night with heavy rain pouring against the windows of the old forgotten house. The group of friends gathered around the fireplace sharing ghost stories and sipping hot chocolate. As the night wore on the group decided to play a game of truth or dare. One of the friends, a mischievous prankster named Alex dared his friend Ruth to eat an entire banana in one bite.

Ruth hesitated but her competitive nature got the best of her. She peeled the banana and shoved the whole thing in her mouth chewing frantically. Suddenly she started choking. The others around her tried to help but it was too late. Ruth fell to the ground clutching her throat as blood streamed from her mouth.

The others were horrified as they watched a banana slice emerge from Ruth's bleeding throat. It had been poisoned with a deadly toxin carefully injected into the fruit by a deranged killer who had been watching them all this evening. The group of friends frantically searched the mansion for the killer, but he was nowhere to be found.

They were trapped with no way to escape and no idea who their enemy was.

As the night wore on the group were picked off one by one each victim falling to the killer's banana kill shot it wasn't long before only Alex remained carrying in a corner as a killer approached him slowly.

any last words the killer asked grinning malevolently.

Alex knew his fate was sealed. He closed his eyes and whispered a prayer waiting for her his life to end.

But then a miracle happened. Lightning flashed outside illuminating the room and temporarily blind in the killer. In that split second of the distraction Alex lunged forward and grabbed the knife. With all his strength he hurled it at the killer's head, striking him down with a deadly accuracy. The killer fell to the ground dead in a pool of his own blood.

The remaining survivors stumbled out shaking but were still alive. They never spoke of that night again haunted by the memory of that deranged killer and they're lucky escape. Every time they saw a flash of lightning, they felt a chill run down their spine remembering the horror that unfolded on that fateful night.

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