part 8

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ONE MONTH LATER...............

"Are you ready to go darling " You take your phone and run toward Ran
"Ran did you give food to Jojo " you asked
"Yes darling I already did now come on get in the car we are getting late " Ran was waiting for you impatiently inside the car you hope in the passenger seat
He started to drive. You are looking outside to the window since you set in the car half-hour passed.
"Ran when will we reach there It's too boring here I'm already missing Jojo" you sighed heavily and looked at the road Ran is holding your hand and kiss on the back of your hand
"Don't be sad love it will take just one hour then we will be there " he said calmly while driving you nodded and again started to look out the window still your hand in his.

Finally, one hour passed, and Ran park his car you clapped your hands in excitement
"Are you that happy to come here darling " You nod happily
"Yes I only saw this place on the TV " Ran open the Door for you and you came out
"You never come here darling " You nod again
"Why " Ran was confused
"I don't know but Mom didn't let me go there," you said while looking at the beautiful and colorful lights surrounding you
"Ran let's go inside I can't wait " he held your hand and took you inside.   you looked at your surroundings with stars in your eyes Ran chuckled at the priceless cuteness on your face which was making his heart flutter
But in your way, a food corner catches your attention
"Ran let's eat this it's looking so tasty" you drag Ran with you in front of the corner
"But darling you will get sick if you eat this let's eat something else " Ran about to turn but you were fast and ordered it
"Darling don't eat this "You puff your cheek Ran look at your antic
"Here is your order ma'am " You turn to the boy who was holding your order in his hand he smiles he already saw your cute face when you puff your cheek You smile at him and take your corndog what you ordered. he was blushing so hard Ran was looking Everything with annoyed face he pay for the food and take your hand aggressively and drag you away from there
"Why were you smiling at him "You were busy chewing your food and turned to him
"Itsgoodmeanrtosmile" you bubble Ran facepalm
"First eat darling then speak "You nod and finish in your mouth
"It's a good manner to smile at someone my mom taught me "You again fill your mouth and offer Ran too
"But I'm jealous when you smile at him" he mumbles to himself
"Try this it's so tasty Ran "You take another other bite it was big and didn't fit in your mouth so it was half hanging out from your lips Ran gulped at the sight and unconsciously draw his face closer to your lips you frown Ran take the half left food in his mouth his lips touch yours and your face turned red and unconsciously you kiss it on his lips Ran smile you making him horny here he won't be able to control himself if you act like this in front of him
"It was delicious though " Ran said when you pulled back

"Let's go eat something more Ran "You hold his hand which he holds even tighter  and let you drag him wherever you want you look at everything in 'awe' Ran was just admiring your adorable face don't minding others stares.
"Ran I want to play this " you point towards shooting games Ran shakes his head in no without listening you further more you will emotionally manipulat him he knows.
"No absolutely no you can't play this darling what if you hurt yourself" he said trying to make you understand
"Excuse me sir can you please give me some money to play this game " You turn to some unknown guy and ask for money
They smile at you and nod you thank them but before they can give you money their faces turn pale to see Ran's face is giving them a death glare
"Sorry we can't give you money" they apologized and ran away from there as fast as they could you turned back to Ran with a sad face
"Ran they didn't give me money I want to play I want that pink bunny " You wince Ran sigh in defeat
"OK darling but on one condition" You nod immediately as always like a curious cat.
"You won't play I will play for you and win for you OK" You wince again
"No ~Ran I want to hold this water gun please ~~~" can Ran say no when you are looking at him with your puppy eyes he sighed again
"Fine Come here "You did you were too short so Ran had to band down to your shoulder from behind he gave you a gun you held excitedly Ran held your hand and led you aimed for the balloon you closed your one eye like you had seen in movies
And he shot many balloons in a few seconds you were amazed by him
"You are amazing Ran like a hero I want to do the same "you chirped happily Ran's face turn red due to your compliment he was feeling shy
"Here you go "You take your pink bunny which Ran won for you
"Thank you so much Mr bunny "You handshake with the shop owner boy who was wearing a bunny suit Ran pulled back your hand from his hold
"Darling why are you holding his hand hold mine " but you shook your head and turned again to pet bunny boy's head
"He is so cute Ran like our cat " That's it that's the limit of Ran's patience
"Ha~Ran put me down. ok I'm sorry I won't hold his hand " Ran lifted you on his shoulder because you weren't listening to him and being a Brat.
"I'm fine carrying you like this darling now stay on my shoulder " You stop jumping on his hold but suddenly Ran realize your ass surely showing cause you are wearing a knee-length dress so he put you down on your feet because he doesn't want someone will see your ass only he can see that
"Why did you put me down back Ran I was enjoying being on your shoulder" You shook his shoulder
"Why did you wear this short dress darling from now on you will wear long dresses "............ ?

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