A not so legendary creature

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I thought it was a legendary creature in my backyard. Never did I know it would change my life just having an ordinary creature in my life. My life before was dull. All I thought was of myself. Before I know it. Something sparked and created something original but looks can be deceiving. My life was forever changed just by one tiny little insufficient action that took place. I am glad it changed my life.

Let me start back in the beginning. In a world like Earth, there sits another planet with the same resources called meller. A world where only everyone thinks of themselves. We have our ancestors to blame. Way, before I was even born something strange, happened that no one could explain. Our once positive and caring world become something only nightmares were seen. No one knows how it happened. All anyone knows is that something blow up and everyone's minds shifted. Everyone became selfish and nothing could change it or so everyone thought.

Meller was a place where dreams are made and tragically die at the same time. I always questioned everything but everyone thought I was the weird child as I was generally happy while everyone else is depressed and angry all the time. They have never felt such happiness as I do. It saddens me. I try to do anything to make them happy. All I got out of it was being called the town screw-up.

A snarl rips from my throat at the thought of them throwing everything I do to them back in my face. Why can they not see what I am trying to change for everyone? They taunt me saying," You will never amount to anything, freak!"

Blood tears fall down my face. Not even my loving parents see what I am trying to do. I try everything to show them what I am trying to do but nothing. It feels like most of the time they did not want me. Is there something wrong with me?

I am just trying to change the world yet everyone scorns me. I am trying to fight for the people. Is that wrong with me? I shake my head as the feathers on my wings flutter with each movement I make. I growl out as my fangs lengthen.

I take a few deep breaths as I feel myself calm down. In a world like this, nothing seems like it used to be. I sigh as just like any day I know today is not going to be a good day.

On my way to school, I hear a faint coo sound. It was a different sound I have never heard before. Instead of going to school I feel guided to follow the sound.

As I follow the coo sound I stray from the path my mother always told me to stay on. "Well, I guess today is the day for me to finally be something other than the town's screw-up." With this happy thought, I battle the overgrown road as the coo becomes louder. I feel branches and thrown scratch at my body with a hiss from my mouth.

I can not cry about it as I am finally where I need to be. The coo is so loud that it makes the trees rattle around me. I shiver in fear that they might fall and land on me.

I shake my head hoping that my fear will go with it. In the center of the trees, I shockingly see a baby dragon. I could see its brightly flashing scales. As I come closer I see that it looks to be only a foot long. It looked lonely as it cooed for its mother.

I walk a bit closer and I feel heat crushing me. "Wow, for such a little dragon it sure is creating a lot of heat." I think in shock.

See a dragon does not shock me too much as years ago dragons were a common ally. With their human dragons could do whatever they wished. But long ago it is said that a villain destroyed all the dragons. Every time I heard the story I know it was not true. In my heart, I know they were still alive. "I know they are still around. I was right!" I think with a smirk as everyone told me I was a liar.

Only a few feet from the dragon. The dragon sees me and whimpers in fear.

"Hello, little one. I am not going to hurt you. I want to help you find your mother. What do you think of that?" The dragon coos again as it jumps I hurry to take my jacket off as the dragon jumps. "Thank goodness for that. At least I will not get burned." I think with a grateful smile as I wrap the creature in my jacket.

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