Henry and Gabe

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*3rd person*
655 words:
Henry and Gabe decided to have a sleepover. They played many video games and then after awhile they went to bed. They talked about their favorite video games and then Henry asked: ,,how big is yours?" Gabe replied: ,,soft or hard?" ,,hard." Henry answered. ,,last time I checked was in 7th grade it was like 6inches. Now it has probably grown so I would say like 7? Maybe an 8." Gabe said. ,, do you wanna measure right now?" Henry asked. Gabe replied: ,,I'm not hard." There was a small awkward silence then Gabe asked: ,,Are you?" ,,No." Henry replied. Gabe then asked: ,,how big is yours?" ,,6,5inches" Henry answered. ,,Not bad." Gabe said. Gabe asked: ,,is Y/N coming to the party?" Henry replied: ,,yeah I think so." ,,I'm so gonna have a boner... I jerk off everyday thinking about her." Gabe said. ,,yeah me too." Henry replied. ,,John is so fricking lucky." Gabe said. Henry then asked: ,,would you do her?" Gabe looked at Henry with a confused look and then answered: ,,are you seriously asking me that right now?... uhm Yeah??!" Henry looked at Gabe and then asked him what he would do if Y/N was here right now. Gabe said: ,,I would probably start kissing her and saying you are so beautiful. Then I would take her shirt off and-" ,,What about yours?" Henry interrupted. ,,Oh yeah I would take my shirt off, then hers and then our pants." Gabe answered. ,,Is she naked yet or is she still in her bra?" Henry asked. ,,yeah she's still in her bra and has her panties on. And I still have my boxers on. And then we lay onto the bed and I start kissing her." Gabe answered. ,,And then she takes your boxers off?" Henry asked. ,, And then I help her take her bra off and her tits are legendary, you know." Gabe replied. ,,What are you saying to her?" Henry asked. Gabe answered: ,,nothing she's just moaning a little bit. And then I would take her panties off and her vagina is like quiet wet or something like that." Henry noticed a bulge growing on Gabe's blanket and said: ,,you're like really hard."
,,Im hard like a rock." Gabe said.


Then Henry asked: ,,do you want a sock?" Gabe looked at Henry with a super confused look. Henry said: ,,like if you're gonna..." Gabe then replied: ,,oh no dude I don't wanna mess up any of your socks." Henry said ,,it's alright I get dirty ones."

Gabe then realized how sexually excited he got while talking about having sex with Y/N. He wanted to jerk off so bad. He could feel his boner almost exploding. After a few minutes Henry came back with one pair of socks. ,,here you go" Henry said. ,,thanks" Gabe replied.
Gabe put the sock onto his dick and began jerking off. ,,So I'm like kissing her body and asking her how do you want it. And she's like: take me from behind..." Gabe said with small breaks. "And then she turns around and I start like pounding in her and she says: ,,oh yeah harder harder" and I'm like: ,,you like that baby?" And she's like: ,,ohhh yeah..yeah I really like that." Gabe said with small breaks. As he jerked off even faster he felt his dick starting to twitch and then he started to cum. He groaned a few times while cumming. He lifted his blanket and removed the sock from his dick. Then he looked at the ceiling again and thought about the party. Gabe got up and reached out for his phone. He answered a few texts and then put his phone away and said ,,goodnight Henry." Gabe closed his eyes and fell asleep.

I'm so sorry if I made any mistakes I tried my best :)) lmk what you think about it :D

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