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( kinda smut )
*3rd Person*
270 words
At 11AM Gabe and Henry jumped into the pool. After a while Jon, Logan and some other guests arrived. Jon and Logan said hi to Henry and Gabe and jumped into the pool. They all talked for awhile.
After 5 minutes other guests appeared, Including Y/N. Y/N came by and undressed. Gabe looked at her with his mouth wide open. "She's so hot" Gabe thought. He could feel his dick starting to get erected. The bulge in his swim shorts was so big that everyone could see it. "Shit I gotta hide it before anyone notices" Gabe thought. Gabe took his dick and placed it somewhere else. Henry was right next to him. He stared at him knowing what just happened. Henry swam to Gabe and asked: "you're already hard? Dude How fast do you get a boner..?" " Shit I don't know.. she's just so fucking hot I can't handle it anymore. I wanna fuck her so bad." Gabe answered. Y/N jumped in the pool and swam to Jon. "Geez her tits are so big. I could play with them all day" Gabe whispered to Henry. "You really wanna fuck her don't you?" Henry asked. "Why are you asking me this? Of course I wanna fuck her I just told you man.. besides I've wanted to do that since 7th Grade." "Chill out man I just asked. Uhm anyway so do you wanna come and talk to Jon, Logan and Y/N with me?" "Yeah sure" Gabe said.

Im sorry this is so short. I had no ideas for this😭

Gabe Henry Gambles Birthday Party SmutWhere stories live. Discover now