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*Words: 772*
3rd person
At 3pm every guest arrived. They all ate sausages and steaks. Gabe sat next to Y/N and asked her if she wants to talk for a bit. Y/N said yes of course and they both went to a place in Henry's garden. "So I don't know if you realized but uhm I really like you.. And I know you're still with Jon so I don't wanna ruin your relationship with him." gabe said. Y/N interrupted him and said: "oh no no. I'm not with Jon anymore. We stopped dating like 1 month ago. Its fine." Gabe looked at her and said: "wait really?.." "yeah. We broke up because we both thought it'll be better like that. If you want to I could tell you the whole story." Y/N said. "Go on." Gabe Said. Y/N started talking but Gabe couldn't focus on her eyes. He was fascinated by her body. He couldn't take his eyes from Y/N's boobs. He felt something starting to grow in his pants. "shit not again." Gabe thought. Y/N noticed a bulge growing in Gabe's swim shorts. She looked at gabe and slightly smiled. She stood up and said: "come here Gabe let's go into the bush and do something to get you more excited." Gabe also stood up and followed Y/N. Henry and his friends watched Gabe and Y/N going into the bushes.

Henry and his friends
"Weird" Jon said. Some of Henry's friends asked: "what are they doing?" "I think I know what they're doing." Henry answered. "Tell us Henry." Logan said. " i know I shouldn't tell you guys this but gabe and I had a sleepover and he jerked off thinking about Y/N. I think they're doing something inappropriate." Henry said. "Ohh i get it. Yeah Gabe is a really sexual active person." Cheyenne said. "He really is." Jon said.

Gabe and Y/N
"Okay so what did you plan on doing?" Gabe asked. "You'll see." Y/N replied.

Y/N took Gabe's dick and started jerking him off

"AWH FUCK OHH" gabe loudly groaned. "Should I go faster?" Y/N asked. "YES~ PLEASE~ AWHG" Gabe groaned with many breaks.

Y/N started jerking him off even faster

"AWH FUCK Y/N IM GONNA CUM!" Gabe screamed. Y/N looked at gabe and smiled.
A few seconds later gabe began to groan once more. His dick twitched so hard he threw his head back and came all over Y/N's hand. "Fuck.." he moaned.

Henry and his friends
"Did you guys hear that?" Autumn asked. "Yeah we did." Logan answered. "Was that Gabe?" Henry asked. "Yeah..yeah I think so" Jon answered "wow he's loud." Emily said. "Let's just be quiet and listen to them." Cooper said

Gabe and Y/N
"Wow that was a lot" Y/N said.
"You think so?" Gabe asked "yeah I mean look at the floor and especially look at my hand." Y/N said. "Sorry." Gabe Said. "It's fine but how am I supposed to clean this up?" Y/N asked. " just leave the floor like this. You can wash your hands in Henry's bathroom." Gabe answered.

Gabe and Y/N walked out of the bush

Gabe could barely walk. His dick started to hurt a lot "awh man." Gabe said. "What's wrong?" Y/N asked "my dick started hurting like a few seconds ago. I can barely walk." Gabe answered. "it was probably too much. Go sit with Henry and the other guests I'll wash my hands in Henry's bathroom." Y/N said.

Gabe walked to henry and his other guests

"Hi there." Gabe said. Everyone looked at him knowing what he and y/n just did. "Where's Y/N?" Autumn asked. "Uhm she's just washing her hands you know.." gabe answered.

Everyone looked at each other and started laughing

"HEY WHY ARE YOU GUYS LAUGING?!" Gabe asked loudly "nothing really.. nothing big." Cooper said. "Alright let me guess. You guys heard me and y/n." Gabe said. "Dude you were so loud how were we supposed to not hear you." Jon said. "Yeah dude what where you guys even doing?" Cooper asked. Gabe answered: "Well Uhm I.. uhh she.." but Gabe couldn't finish the sentence as Cheyenne loudly said: "she jerked you off didn't she?" "Yea..yeah she did." Gabe said quietly.

Y/N came back and sat down next to Gabe

"Here you are." Emily said. "Yeah I'm back." Y/N answered. "We all know what the two of you were doing." Cooper said.

Gabe and Y/N's faces started to get bright red

Im actually super proud of this. I hope you guys like ittt🫶🏻

Gabe Henry Gambles Birthday Party SmutWhere stories live. Discover now