3) Rough Day

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This is a request from 'dupilegerton' !!
"What about one where either Taron or the reader had a rough day, feeling
mentally drained and the other comforts"
I'm doing it about Taron I hope that ok

I was sitting on the couch watching (some show) when I heard the door open. I jumped up and sped walked to the door. I was very excited as I hadn't seen taron all day as he left before I woke up to do interviews for 'Tetris' the new movie he was in. I was quiet worried for today as he had 7 interviews in 9 hours which is a lot and Taron does not like being over worked.

As I got to the door I saw Taron standing there hanging his jacket up. "hey darling how was your day" I say trying to sound happy when really I was quite worried. "Fine" He says quietly and walks past me. I couldn't see him as the big light wasn't on but I knew there was something up though.

I walk into the front room to see Taron sitting on the sofa watching what I had put on with no emotion in his face but tears shining in his eyes. I run over to him and sit on the floor in between his legs (not like that) and he looks down at me. "Taron" I say as I grab his cheek and rub off a tear that had fallen. " what's wrong" I say as he looks at me and just sobs. I get up and stands in front of me and just leans his head on my stomach. I run my fingers through his hair and run my nails up his back which I know he loves. I hear him take a shaky sigh and I sit down next to him. As I sit down next to him he leans his head face into my boobs (still not like that) and I kiss his forehead.

"What's wrong bub" I ask again. "Today has just been so hard and I'm so worked out" he says a bit muffled but still understandable.

"Ok love we can just chill for the rest of the day ok" I say as he nods and cuddles into me and I do the same and I can feel him smile as I turn on the labyrinth

393 words

Thanks for the request DupilEgerton
I will do the other ones soon <3

Hi lovelies, please remember gto eat drink and brush your teeth. And in case I don't see you good afternoon ,good evening and  good night.
-Lil ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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