Next Day

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The following day, Lia was supposed to take us on a tour but Yeji's morning sickness was really bad this morning so I decided to stay with her. Lia wanted to stay too but I know Yuna was looking forward to this tour because she's thinking about attending this college in the future.

Yeji is laying in bed while I hand her little pieces of bread. I read that bland food helps with morning sickness and bread is the only thing Lia had in her room.

"I'm sorry that you didn't get to go on the tour with Lia. Maybe I shouldn't have come" Yeji looks sad.

I shake my head, "Don't be sorry. I'm not missing anything. This isn't in my mom's list of colleges that she wants me to attend."

"Why do you and Beomgyu let her dictate your life?" She suddenly asks.

I rip off another piece of bread to give to her.

"I guess we're used to it? I fight with her about it, yes but it's all words. If I really wanted to go against her then I can easily stop trying in school but I still try to get good grades. When I get in trouble, I make sure it's something that won't affect my record or academic. I act like I don't care but I do."

"Honestly, I'm afraid that if I don't follow what she wants then she will force Yuna to pursue a career she doesn't want. They're a lot of more lenient with Yuna. I'm not sure if because she's the youngest or because we're allowing them to control our future instead" I add.

"You really care about Yuna, huh?" She smiles.

"I care about my siblings. We really only had each other growing up. You've seen how crazy our mom is and our dad just follows whatever she says so we only had each other for support."

This is odd, I think. Yeji and I have had a lot of talks but I normally don't open up a lot about myself. Our talks have mainly been about her and what she's gone through but somehow opening up to her doesn't feel like I'm doing something wrong.

She sits up and she smiles again when she sees the panic in my face.

"I'm okay" she chuckles.

I stand up to grab her water.

"You're really good at taking care of someone. You look very natural doing it" she comments with her still smiling.

"Thanks?" I hand her a water bottle.

"Is that why you're taking care of me so well? Because I might become your sister-in-law?" She asks.

"I don't know. I didn't know what to think about you. At first, I wanted to help take care of you because I felt guilty for not stopping my brother that night when I saw that the both of you were clearly drunk but now I'm just here because I want to be" I honestly answer and her face turns pink.

"Are you gonna puke again?" I go for the trash can.

"I don't need it" she says so I set it back down.

"Can you sit next to me?" She shyly asks and I feel shy too. I look around the room even though I know that it's just the two of us.

I slowly get up on the bed and I sit next to her. As soon as I get comfortable, she rests her head on my shoulder causing my body to stiffen.

"Are you okay?" My voice cracks while asking.

"I am. If this makes you uncomfortable then just let me know. Sometimes I like being held. I'm not sure if it's my hormones or what" she scoots closer to me.

"Uhh, do you want me to put my arm around you?" I awkwardly ask.

"It's up to you" I feel her shoulders shrug.

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